The Next Day

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"Say sorry!" Yells Naruto to the boy who had put you in the condition you were in. 

"Nah." Smirks the boy. 

"You-" Naruto was cut off by you.

"Naruto, it's okay..." You say silently. 

"No it's not. Remember what you told me earlier!" Yells Naruto. 

*Earlier this morning*

You were walking to school today, you didn't want to put Chūseina in danger. Then a familiar blonde hair boy greets you.

"Hey (y/n)!" Greets Naruto waving as he runs over to you. 

"Hey Naruto." You say. 

"Why have you decided to live here?" Asks Naruto. 

"I want to grow strong and be seen as an equal by a special someone." You say with a little smile thinking about Gaara. 

"Okay." Says Naruto. You look at your watch.

"Oh No! We're going to be late!" You yell trying to run but fail due to your injury. 

"If your worried about being late then let me help!" Exclaims Naruto as he picks you up and starts to run. 

*Time Skip*

"Why are you two late?" Asks Iruka Sensei. 

"Come on Iruka, we're only two minutes late, besides, I'm the real late one. (Y/n) wouldn't have been late if she wasn't injured yesterday." Says Naruto defending you. 

"If she was injured then where's her injury?" Asks Iruka examining you. 

"(Y/n)." Says Naruto motioning you to show your injury. You lift your shirt a little to show Iruka Sensei your bandages. 

"Oh, who did this?" Asks Iruka Sensei. 

"Toraburo did!" Yells Naruto glaring at the boy that bullied you. 

*Back to regular time*

"Yes, I want to grow stronger." You say as you step up.

"Toraburu, stop picking on me and say sorry!" You yell as you clench your teeth. Everyone looks at you and Toraburu. 

"I'll stop if you beat me in a battle, I'll even say sorry." Grins Toraburu.

"Deal!" You yell.

"But that's only if you win, if I win then I get a kiss from you." Says Toraburu as he picks your chin up and looks into your eyes while grinning. 

"Yuck!" You say pushing him. 

"Yeah double yuck!" Yells Naruto. 

"Then I guess I win after all." Says Toraburu about to walk away. 

"Wait, I'll fight you." You say. 

"But (y/n)-" You cut off Naruto. 

"Naruto, I can do this, I will not stand behind you for protection, I will stand next to you as an equal, and I will show those against me no mercy!" You yell.

*Time Skip*

Schools over and it's time for the fight between you and Toraburu. 

"You can give up now and just give me a simple kiss." Says Toraburu with a smirk. 

"I won't!" You yell. 

"(y/n), are you sure you want to do this?" Asks Naruto. "He's like the second top person in our class."

"Then I'll be the top person in class." You say. Then you and Toraburu begin to fight, both evenly matched. You deflected his moves and he deflected yours, then he did the dirtiest trick in the book. He kicks your wound as hard as he can. You fly back into the ground. You cough of blood. 

"Hey that's not fair!" Yells Naruto clenching his fists.  

"Fire Style Jutsu!" Yells Toraburu as fire comes out of his mouth and after you. 

"(y/n)!" Yells Naruto with concern. When everyone thought you were through you came out of the fire covered in a watery aura, right above you was a horse that neighed. You had a mad look on your face, you had a grin that spelled out danger, and your eyes were covered by a shadow.

"Wha-what the heck!?" Yells Toraburu in fear. You walk up to him. He backs away with fear written everywhere on his face. 

"Heh, you want to play dirty? Then let's play dirty." You say as you appear in front of him and punch him in the stomach sending him flying. 

"Y-You're a monster!" Coughs Toraburu. "I forfeit I forfeit!" Toraburu then runs away. Your aura slowly dies away. 

"(y/n)! You did it, what kind of power was that!?" Questions Naruto. You faint and fall into Naruto's arms.

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