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(A/N: Since you haven't seen Gaara for some years and your relationship with him now is a little off I shall have specials appear here and there. Also this is being done on my phone, not computer, so I can't bold or use italics.)

Gaara: Hello my lovely Reader-Chan, I'm so glad Author-Chan is giving me some time off the story so I can spend more time with you Reader-Chan. *Kisses Reader-Chan on the forehead*
Author-Chan wanted me to tell you guys that these specials will probably be like an OVA. Also, in these specials, your age will be whatever it was in the chapter before. Now let the story begin!!!


*At the Gaara's house*

"Come on Gaara! Let's go to the beach." You exclaim.

"I don't like the water." Mumbles Gaara.

"Maybe you would if you would take you sand shield off." You say.

"I'll come with you (y/n)! I'll even bring Crow with me!" Yells Kankuro.

"No! Don't bring Crow, not even your other puppets. I hate it when you trap me in Black Ant and act like your going to kill me!" You yell.

"I'll come to so I can keep an eye on this wacko." Smirks Temari as she pulls Kankuro's ear.

"Ow ow! I'll be good I promise!" Yells Kankuro.

"Do you pinkie swear?" You say holding out your pinkie to Kankuro.

"Yes just get Temari off my ear." Says Kankuro pinkie swearing with you.

"Good. Now let's go to the beach!" You say.

"But (y/n), Gaara hasn't said if he will go or not." Says Kankuro.

"Gaara, will you please come swimming with us?" You ask nicely smiling.

"Hmmm, alright." Says Gaara as he puts away his sand shield.

"Yay!" You yell as you and Temari run upstairs to change into your swimsuit.

"So Gaara, you wouldn't mind me hooking up with (y/n) right?" Asks Kankuro grinning. Gaara gives Kankuro the death glare. "Okay okay, I was just kidding."

*At the beach*

"Yay! Finally we're here!" You exclaim as you set the beach umbrella and your bag down. You steal the beach ball from Kankuro and run into the water. "Come on in guys, the water's nice!" Everyone comes running in but Gaara.

"I'll set the stuff up." Says Gaara as he tries to set up the beach umbrella. You decide to help Gaara.

"You gotta open it like this silly." You say opening the beach umbrella.

"Oh...okay." Says Gaara. You both lay down the towels for everyone.

"Now that that's done let's go swim!" You say grabbing Gaara's arm. Before you both step in the water, Gaara stopes you. "What's wrong Gaara?" Gaara stares at the water.

"It's not going to hurt me right?" Asks Gaara.

"It will if you don't know how to swim and if you didn't take you sand guard off." You say.

"I don't know how to swim." Mumbles Gaara not loud enough for you to hear.

"What Gaara?" You ask. Then Gaara whispers the same thing into your ear. "Oh." You run back to your bag and pull out a ring floaty and put around Gaara.

"What's this?" Asks Gaara.

"Something that will help you float." You say smiling as you both walk into the water.

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