But then again, the only constant in shinobi world is change, and that may come any time soon, if reports of increased Akatsuki and Orochimaru activities are to be believed. There's no telling when he could be summoned to a mission, and so he has to start now.

Kakashi knew he had to know more about the Satsuna before he could start teaching her. Her records showed minimal information: mission stats are abysmal, although she's quite impressive to have a natural affinity to all five chakra natures due to the beast she harbors. It's just a matter of mastery, and Kakashi highly doubted her file when it said: "has mastery of all five chakra natures." The only person who has mastery of all five is the Third Hokage, and that is due to his extensive training and experience. Akira is a mere chuunin, albeit jinchuriki, and so Kakashi is skeptical.

He stepped closer to the girl. "As per tradition, I will measure your abilities with a specialized test. I want to know your strengths and weaknesses." He took a small square box from his pocket and from it revealed two bells. "You have to get these from me. Since you're Chuunin and a junior academy instructor, there is a time limit of only an hour and I will not hold back. I expect you to do the same."

A gust of wind blew, making the bells chime, as if taunting Akira that Naruto and Sakura had managed to get the bells upon the Uzumaki's return from a journey with the Toad Sannin. Naruto was supposedly a mere genin, while Sakura is a Chuunin herself.

'But they were trained by Sannin, for fuck's sake,' Akira thought. 'There's no way I can match them.'

Kakashi took out a small clock and placed it on a nearby tree stump. "You are free to do anything, any jutsu, so long as you get the bells. Do you have any questions?"

Akira shook her head.

"Perfect. Let's start."


Neji frowned and glared at the trio of women that had been staring at him from behind the rack of fresh produce. He crossed his arms impatiently, willing himself to remain calm once more. In front of him, Tenten seemed to be unbothered by the unwanted female attention her companion was getting.

"Thanks for accompanying me today, Neji," the kunoichi said as she picked up a loaf of bread.


Tenten only shrugged, understanding that his monosyllabic reply went along the lines of "it's nothing but I'd rather we leave now". She walked away from the rows of pastries and glanced at the tall shinobi. "Well, it's also a good thing that I helped you out with your new apartment. Guess you owe me one."

Neji sighed. "Isn't this already payback?"

"Barely. You're enjoying yourself."

Neji once again glanced—more like glared—at the trio of girls (now four) that are ogling at him and exchanging giggles. He sighed. "Are you done?"

Tenten merely shrugged and continued to walk away from that section of the supermarket. She glanced at Neji. "Well, I still have some...oh!" She looked up to see that the small crowd of females had inched closer to them, such that there was only a few paces that separated her and her companion from the adoring girls.

Neji could no longer hide his irk. "We better go now." He held the kunoichi by the elbow and ushered her to the cashier, and after paying hastily, they went out the supermart. Neji looked around briefly before leading the way back to the apartment complex.

He had been putting off refurbishing and tending to his own apartment unit, until this morning when he received a letter from the landlady, informing him that the reservation period is up and asking if he still intends to move in; otherwise his room will be rented to someone else. Neji pondered whether to keep the unit or not—it was free after all and was issued to him when he became jounin—and eventually he decided to keep it for times when he wants to simply detach himself from the clan. The idea seemed brilliant for him, until he saw the unit itself and realized that the only furniture is a bed and some drawers.

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