Chapter 34

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Welcome to the FBI - Divergent


I sit next to Tris reading, listening to the beep of the heart monitor. I sit like that for another 30 minutes, just reading. When I hear a deadening silence, a deadening strong continuous beep. I look up, shocked, there's a straight line on her heart monitor, her heart has stopped. I rush up from my seat and into the hall.

The doctors are already coming, running. Nurses are holding me back as they attempt to restart her heart. I end up giving up. I go sit on a waiting room chair, waiting. For news, though I suspect the worst. The longer I sit here, the longer I prepare to hear the 'sorry we tried everything but she's dead' speech.

Suddenly, I hear the squeaking of footsteps. I turn and see that it is one of her doctors. "I have good and bad news" he says "ok?" It comes out as a question. "The good news is that she's alive, her heart just stopped for a little bit because of the blood loss and the bad news, if she doesn't wake up in the next week, she probably won't ever wake up. I'm sorry" he tells me.

I slump back into my chair. I didn't even realise I was standing. My life would be nothing without her. I love her, she's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. The doctor walks away, probably to go take care of some other patients. But I hear the running of footsteps and look up to see all my - our friends, in front of me. I know they can see the tears on my face, they just aren't saying anything.

"Her heart stopped but they managed to revive her. If she doesn't wake up I the next week, she's never going to wake up" I tell them. All of the girls burst out crying and I can tell some of the guys are too. Zeke is just making fists out of his hands, probably wanting to kill the men who did this. "Can we see her?" Christina asks. I nod and stand. I lead them to Tris' room without a word. I step out of the way so everyone can see her, when they do, they gasp.

She looks like she's been in a freezer. Cold, Pale. Everything she shouldn't. Normally so warm and full of colour. I sit down and grab her hand, as if me squeezing it will wake her up. I only wish. Our friends come and go. Attempting to talk to her, Will told everyone that if you talk to someone in a coma, they have more of a chance of waking up. I hope so.


I suddenly start to hear things, people. Not just any people, my friends. Christina crying, Zeke's voice full of anger. Maybe I'm imagining this. Maybe I am still alive. I hear the closing of a door and silence through out wherever I am. Which I'm guessing is a hospital by the way it smells. It smells clean and hygienic. Yuck. I feel a hand suddenly grasp mine, "Tris, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand" the voice says, It's Four.

That's when I realise I can feel my body. I am alive. I squeeze his hand back as hard as I can, which might not be very hard. I can tell I've lost a lot of blood if I've been hallucinating. His hand slips from mine quickly. I guess he didn't feel me squeeze. "Tris can you smile?" He says excitedly. He must of felt it then. I smile a little then peel my eyes open.

Four is infront of me. In tears. Before I can say anything, he crashes his lips into mine. Kissing me with such passion. To my distaste, he pulls back. "Don't ever do that to me again Tris" he says crying. I lift my hand up and stroke his cheek. "I won't" I'm smiling. "Now stop crying over me god" I finish. He just laughs. "Fine but I better inform the doctor about your awakening" he says while turning to leave. I watch him leave and sigh.

Maybe this is why I shouldn't of wanted to leave. Maybe I can have a happy life. Maybe I'll get married, and have children. Maybe. I stop daydreaming when I see a doctor come in. He seems astonished that I'm alive. Am I really doubted that much? He checks me over and makes sure everything is ok. "When can I leave?" I ask him. He just laughs. "Not for another week or so. You lost a lot of blood and just woke up from a coma. Don't get too excited" he says laughing.

I don't know why I'm so desperate to get out of here. The doctor finished checking up on me and leaves. Leaving me and Four in the room, alone. "Tris. You gave me a bloody heart attack" four tells me. All I can do is laugh. "How are you still alive then?" I ask sarcastically. He just smiles. "I'm serious" he mutters. I just smile as well. There's a silence that covers the room, it's not awkward. It's comfortable. All of a sudden, my lips are attacked by Fours.

He kisses me with such force, such strength, like he is scared if I leave his lips, I'll slip away. He climbs in bed next to me and starts kissing down my neck. I just sigh. He goes back to my lips and licks my bottom lip asking for permission. Which I gladly accept. We lay there, making out. For god know how long before we hear a cough.


Sorry I was out for dinner

So she survived. Btw I didn't make her survive because of all of you guys wanting to kill me if she died. I made her survive because I didn't want to kill her


Authors Note: I am NOT Veronica Roth or do not own the Divergent series. Although I wish I did, I do not.

INSTAGRAM: @arenaofinitiates

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