Chapter 33

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Welcome to the FBI - Divergent


I'm in darkness. No sounds. No light. No nothing. Suddenly, images flash before my eyes. They are memories. Some I remember, some I do not. The first one is of my mother and father in hospital, holding me in their arms. Crying. The image changes to a memory of my two year old self, a memory that is long forgotten. One that catches my attention is one from my first day of school. Caleb and I boarding the bus whilst waving goodbye to mum and dad.

This makes my eyes water. Why couldn't they be alive and I be the one to take all of it? The image again changes to one of me when I got my first job, McDonald's. What? Their fricken everywhere. The next image is my prom, which I attended with Robert. Then it changes again to one I never expected. It's a memory through someone else's eyes of the shooting. I watch as mum and dad are shot by Peter while they sleep. Waiting for death to take them. Then the image is moving, running through out the house.

It must be calebs memory. He gets to the laundry and sits but a few minutes later. Peter turns up. I don't watch the rest. I'm too busy crying to see what is happening. The next, when I first stepped into headquarters and met the boys. The party, The Blacks' death, Almost dying come and go, but one that surprises me most is of me and Four, kissing. It's a memory mixed up with all the times we have kissed. In the hospital, the club. I can't leave now. I love him too much.

But I will not cheat death. When it is my time, I will go. Suddenly the image before me disappears and it's back to the darkness I started off with. Great. Am I already dead? Is this what death feels like?


I rush out of Al's car once we arrive at the hospital. I ask to see Beatrice Prior but they refuse me, saying family only. Shouldn't their records say that her family is dead? I show them my badge and they let me through. Once I reach her room. I stand in horror as I look upon her body.

She is pale and looks even smaller then before, but it doesn't make her look less beautiful. Her golden silky hair falls down the sides of her face and frames it. "Her family is dead aren't they?" A voice asks behind me. I see a man, I also see his tag. He is a doctor. "Yes. They were murdered" I tell him. He just nods, while checking her IV and her heart monitor. "I'll let you stay, because I can tell you love her" he says then leaves.

Uh. Strange. But I'm thankful. I pull up a chair and sit down. Staring at her. Trying to see if my eyes can open hers with a look. Only things like that happens in the movies. I remember reading once that if you talk to people in comas, they have more of a chance of waking up. I decide to give it a go, I mean what can I lose? You can lose her a voice at the back of my head says.

"Hi Tris. It's me Tobias, I want you to know that I love you, with all my heart and It breaks me to see you like this. Please wake up, for me" I say, kissing her forehead. I slump back into the chair into a light and troubled sleep filled with nightmares, of Tris dying. Maybe my nightmare is slowly becoming true.


Shit going down

Sorry I haven't been updating much. I've been having major writers block on what to do

But I've written myself up a plan (no I shouldn't be an erudite) as to where this story is going

All that I can tell you without ruining the ending?

- There will be a sequel. Don't jump to conclusions that Tris 'must survive because there is a sequel'. You know me and you also know the main character doesn't need to live to have one.

- This story is only going to have 10 chapters left MAX. Depending on how much I write on each chapter

- I will be writing more stories in the future to do with divergent. So please if you have any fanfic ideas, do not hesitate to inbox me your idea. If your one of those people (like me) that loves the idea but hates reading your own writing so you don't want to put pen to paper. I might use your idea (of course ill give credit in the description and everything :)

Have a lovely day

PS I hate time ones. Currently here in Australia, it's 11pm.

Welcome to the FBI - DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now