Chapter 23

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Welcome to the FBI - DIVERGENT


I awake with a sharp pain in my rib area. Shit. I notice I'm still on the ground so I must have only passed out for a minute. I get up and grab my gun, ignoring the pain. Sniper had to be from the west, it's high ground there. I stand with my gun I front of me and snoop around. My guess though, the sniper will already be gone.

I keep snooping around and see something out of the corner of my eye. A sniper hide. I look through it, I see Uriah, Zeke and Four by the body. I quickly turn and see a figure running. I decide to follow it. But I soon lose sight of them. Shit. I notice a carousel that the shooter would have to pass.

I put my gun in the back of my jeans and clutch my ribs. I walk through the carousel. I grab my phone and take the battery out and dunk it in the bin. I'm going to become a ghost. I keep walking, soon I'm on a normal LA street. Out of the corner of my eye, I see I'm being tailed. When I see them, they just leave.

So I think nothing of it. I continue down the street. But stop. I see the same car, the man staring at me. I bolt down the car park and hide behind one of the cars. The car comes to a stop, he must not see me. I sneak up on him and throw open the door. I grab his seatbelt and choke him, I see him trying to get his gun so I grab that hand.

He manages to still get it though. I bang down his hand, he shoots and it breaks the passenger window. I continue to bang it. He let's go. I whack him in the nose with the butt of his gun. He's out cold. I throw him out and take his car. There's a destination programmed onto the GPS system. I decide to follow it.

I arrive at a nice small house. I sneak around the back and look through a window. It's Lauren. And she isn't alone. She's with a man that looks the same age. "Sup killer" I hear behind me. I turn to grab my gun quickly. I see it's Four though. They must of tracked the car I stole. "You scared me" I say. "That's my job" he tells me. I laugh but wince, holding my ribs. "You get shot in the ribs?" He asks.

"Yeah but I think the vest took most of the hit. I think I've got a bruised or broken rib though". "At least let me take a look at the damage" he begs. I just nod and take off my coat and lift up my shirt. He looks startled then remembers to look at my ribs. "It's bruised. You got lucky. You would be in a lot more pain if you had a broken rib".

"Then I got lucky" I say pulling my shirt back down and putting my coat back on. Just then, Four gets a phone call. He starts talking but he moves away a little so I can't hear him. He comes back. "I've got to take you back to work" he tells me rubbing his face. "I'm not going. I'm going to talk to Lauren and ask why the bloody hell a car tailing me had her address in their GPS" I say getting frustrated.

"It had her address?" He questions. I sigh. "Look through the window" I tell him. He does as I say. He turns back to me with a startled expression. "Alright I'm coming" he says. I shake my head. "I can do this on my own". "I don't doubt you" he tells me. "Then let me do this on my own" I demand. He just sighs.

"What if they kill you?' He asks upset. I didn't know Four cared so much for me. "Nothing is going to happen Four-" he cuts me off grabbing my face and pressing his lips to mine. "That's why" he says walking off.



What will Tris do?

Dun dun dun

Sorry I didn't post two chapters last night (well it was night for Australia) I was really tired and I was falling asleep typing.

Instagram: @arenaofinitiates

Welcome to the FBI - DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now