Chapter 4

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Welcome to the FBI - Divergent


"What?, no there must be some mistake" I say. My parents aren't like that, I know them. This man does not. "Miss the rest is confidential, but there is no mistake" well dude obviously there is. "Natalie Sarah Prior and Andrew Raymond Prior had a daughter by the name of Beatrice Elizabeth Prior, on June 8th of 2160 and a son, Caleb Michael Prior, just ten months before, on August 23rd 2159. Is that that the proof you need that this is not a mistake miss Prior?"

"Anyone who looked up my file could have seen that. And I'm guessing the police have looked into me because I found my family, so I could be a possible suspect, it's not hard to overhear someone" he rolls his eyes. "If you want me to believe you, you're gonna have to do better then that." I continue. "God Stubborn just like Natalie" he mutters.

"Fine. But you're gonna have to come to headquarters, as I said before. This is confidential." He says. Guarded. "Fine" I give in. We leave the police station and head to wherever the FBI are located. Which happens to be at the Chicago field office. What? I read it off the sign. "Please, come with me to my office miss Prior" Max instructs. We walk through a main area called the Pit.

I see agents give me sad and sorry looks. I'm guessing they know what happened, I guess who wouldn't, if indeed mum and dad were top agents like Max said. I don't need looks of pity. We arrive at a big office. Obviously his office. I can tell by the sign on the door. Max Hanna, Director of the FBI. I thought such an important man would be in Washington? Obviously not.

"Miss Prior. Take a seat please" because of his power, I do excatly that. I don't want to but I do because he could have me killed on the spot. "The agent program is complicated. There are two different programs. The 2 different programs are Intelligence, for people that chose to specialise in intelligence gathering and Federal, for people who chose to to specialise with weapons and go into the field on cases and undercover. Your mother was a federal agent while your father was an intelligence analyst" he finishes.

"There has to another reason beside 'your mother and father were FBI' as to why you want to me to join your program?" I ask. He just shakes his head. "You really have no idea don't you" he says laughing. "No I don't" I say sharply. "You're the best in the state at Cross Country. You have maturity beyond your years and I've barely seen you shed a tear the whole day about your family. Your unbreakable. Just like your mother" he sighs.

I make a quick decision. "Fine. I'll join your federal program on one condition". "What would that be, Miss Prior" he asks. "When you track down my families killer, you let me go after them. I promised Caleb as he was dying that I would" I lie about while Caleb was dying. I said it to him after he died. I don't think he will. He thinks I'll kill them. Of course he would.

"Fine. But when the time comes, if your life or someone else's isn't threatened, you don't kill him" I grit my teeth. "Well I suppose they would suffer more in jail. Whoever did this doesn't deserve a quick death" I say. He smiles. "Miss Prior" he addresses me while standing.

"Tori will show you to your room that you will be staying in while you complete the program. Normally we would run the program in March but you're an exception. So that is why you will be having your own room to stay in while you complete training. Most likely though after completing training, you will be sent to a different unit in a different city, if that of course is ok with you" he asks, I can tell he is uncertain.

I need to get out of this city. I need to get away from my real nightmare. "Yes that is fine" I say. He looks shocked. "Well, training will go for 1 week. It is intense so be prepared. There are 4 teams that need someone to come help. Those teams are The Los Angeles team, Washington Team, New Orleans team and The Chicago team. Take your pick".

I start thinking. I don't want to be in Washington, it's too political there. I don't know about New Orleans. I don't want to stay here. That leaves Los Angeles. California. I only dreamed of going there since I was little. Maybe a good place to make a new start. "Los Angeles Team, sir" I answer. He again looks shocked.

"We thought you'd want the Chicago team" he questions. "I don't want to break. And here, I will" I say. He doesn't question me no further. Someone then knocks on the door. "Come in" Max shouts. A woman, that looks around the same age as Max, steps in. I turn my attention back to Max to find him already looking at me.

"Miss Prior, this is. Tori. She will show you to your room and answer any questions you might have about the agency or the program" Tori sticks her hand out and I shake it. "Tris" I say to her. She just smiles. "Well Tris, we best get going. The director is very busy" she says as I stand. "Oh and Miss Prior" I turn my attention back to Max. "Your families funeral will be in 2 weeks" wait who is organising it?

He must see the confused look on my face. "The agency is organising it. A dedication to the best agents. We've postponed til November 22nd because training takes one week and it gives you enough time to be settled in Los Angeles". Oh. They must have been good agents then. I follow Tori out of the room.



Four isn't the trainer.

I thought it would be to close to the storyline of divergent if he was a trainer and anyway, You can sorta figure it out lol

Btw if your wondering about the birthday of Tris. June 8th is actually my birthday and divergent doesn't say when Tris is born, only that she is 10 months behind Caleb.

Welcome to the FBI - DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now