Chapter 26

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Welcome to the FBI - Divergent


I'm surrounded by darkness. All of a sudden, my mother appears. Out of thin air. I'm hallucinating. "Beatrice" her voice is sweet and soft. "You can't give up yet" she says. "What if I don't want to live?" I ask. "You have no choice Beatrice. I don't think you should die until you're ready. Until you've wrung out every last bit of living you can" she has her hand on my face.

I want to argue but she's already gone. I have nothing to live for, so why should I live? What good will I do? I start to hear things, I think I'm delusional but I hear the beeps of a heart monitor. I slowly flutter my eyelids open to take in the area around me. I see Four asleep on the chair next to me. "Am I dead?" I say to no one in particular.

Fours eyes open so quickly, like lightning. He stands above me with the hugest grin I've ever seen. "No your still alive" he says laughing. I just sigh and relax on the bed. I turn and look at my wrists. Wrapped with bandages. Four must see me looking. "You had to get around 6 stitches on each wrist. Considering that the knife went all the way through your wrist".

I just sigh. Four looks almost nervous for a minute. "Tris I'm sorry" he finally says. "What for?" I ask. Oh. He probably is regretting kissing me. Thought it might lead me on. "My plan got you hurt. It almost killed you" he says, with tears in his eyes. I never thought I'd see Four cry. "I don't blame you. It's Lauren and Peters fault. We aren't doing our job if we don't get bruised and battered occasionally right?"

I tell him. He just smiles. "But it was my plan-" I cut him off. "Were you the one that threw the knives? No. So it wasn't your fault Four. If I was in your position and you were in mine, would it be my fault?" I ask. "No of course not" he says. "Then why are you blaming yourself! It's not your fault Four. It's not even that serious anyway. It could have been worse" I tell him.

He just smiles, though it looks pained. I look over at the table next to mine. I see presents and letters. I grab the one that has Christina's handwriting on it. It's a letter attached to a box wrapped in gift wrapping. "I don't really need anything for being stabbed". He just laughs. "Well when you put it that way. But they gave you them because they care about you" he says.

He gets up and I'm confused. "I better go home and have a shower. I've been here all day" he tells me. "God you didn't have to stay here all day!" I laugh "go have your shower" I say. He walks out the door and I decide this is the perfect time to open presents. I don't really need them though. I open Christina's letter first.


I'm sorry I didn't know about Lauren. I knew that she was jealous of you. I mean who wouldn't! You've got men staring at you all the time, your gorgeous and smart! Before you say no, you may friend are coming to Zeke's party. Max said you can't go to Chicago anymore so your stuck with me girly. Also, I have to dress you up to impress Four. I think he is in love with you. The looks he gives you, how much it broke his heart when you were stabbed. He didn't even leave the hospital and still doubt that he has! So if Four is reading this. Hi............

Good luck Tris. Your strong. You'll make it through

- Christina

I open her present. It's a dress. I'll worry about looking at it later, when I'm actually allowed to stand up. But knowing Christina, I will be short and tight. Oh my favourite types of dresses. Everyone else left me letters. I read through them, laughing, crying until there was one left. I didn't recognise the handwriting. I open it. It's from Four?

Beatrice Elizabeth Prior,

I couldn't tell you all of this in person because I'm too much of a pansycake (Uriahs word not mine). I feel so guilty about your injuries. I shouldn't of done that plan. I don't regret the first half, that's for sure. But the second half I do deeply. I've stayed by your side the whole time because I've been worried you wouldn't wake up. Well obviously you did if you're reading this. What I couldn't tell you is that I'm falling for you. Ever since you stepped into the office, your beauty blew me away. I knew I liked you when we were at the warehouse, when you took down my dad. I've never had the courage to do that. My father was a bad man. Let's just say we aren't the best of friends. Then I knew I was falling for you when we went undercover as a married couple. Your image of yourself is a pale, ugly, boyish girl but I see the most beautiful woman that I'd kill any man to have. I'm sure though now, that I love you. I don't care if you don't say it back, I will wait for you. Because YOU are worth it.

- Four.

I start crying. It's the most beautiful letter I've ever read. I look up and see Four in the doorway holding flowers. I cry seeing him and make a split decision. I jump out of bed and press my lips to his. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my hands in his hair. He has his hands on my back, pressing me towards him tightly.

We continue to kiss for a couple of minutes until I pull back. He raises his eyebrows. "I'm guessing you got my letter?" He asks. "Yes and Four, I love you too" I say pressing my lips to his again. He looks shocked but kisses back. All of a sudden, he pushes me against the wall, kissing down my neck. Then he goes back to my lips, "you don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you for" he mumbles against my lips.

I just smile. My life is finally coming together.


Don't just think oh they are together now. It's gonna be a happy fluffy story. Think again. Your in my house, the house of plot twists.

Guys. I really appreciate all the sweet comments I get on this story. I always get at least 5 people commenting on each chapter that they really want me to keep going. It makes me happy that I can entertain you guys with words.

Btw. I know I normally update like 2 or 3 times a day (because I'm on school holidays) but when I go back to school (February 3rd) ill only be able to post once a day. Tomorrow ill only be posting once because we have to drive somewhere and back in a day. (Oh the joy). But I promise the day after tomorrow, ill have more chapters for you guys. I don't know how long this story is gonna be. I'm just writing it and seeing where it will lead. But I don't want it to drag ON and ON. But I guarantee that the last chapter WILL be an epilogue, I might even do a squeal to this!

Who knows what will happen

INSTAGRAM: @arenaofinitiates

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