Chapter 20

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Welcome to the FBI - Divergent


"Hey Will" I say to the webcam. "Hey. Tris what do you need?" He asks. "Can you do a little research on the couple next door at number 3, we are going over there tonight for dinner. Also, if you can, run background checks on everyone in the neighbourhood. Anything that could suggest connection to Russia or a past sleeper agent that we have discovered" I tell him.

"Ok Tris. I better go bye" he says hanging up. I notice Four staring at me. "What?" I hiss. "How high is your IQ?" He asks. "Uh. 122. What does it matter?" I question. He stares at me with an open mouth. "That's like the genius part of the IQ" he tells me. "As if" I laugh. "Over 140 is the genius part. I'm going to get ready" I tell him and walk up the stairs and grab the dress I bought.

I go to the bathroom and get dressed. It's tight up the top half but in the bottom half, it is flowy and black. Perfect. I put on some perfume and grab my thigh holster for my gun that also has room for a knife and ammo. I put my gun in, my knife and ammo. We are dealing with Russians here. Russians love their assault rifles.

I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put a little bit of makeup on. I deem myself presentable. I come out and Four is also dressed. He sees me and his eyes pop out of his head. "What" I question. He just shakes his head. "Nothing". I just shrug then. I see it's 6:30pm. "We better get over there" I say showing Four my watch.

He nods and we head over there. I ring the doorbell and we hear shuffling. Four puts his hand around my waist for acting purposes. They open the door with smiles on their faces. "Come in come in" the brunette, which I learned is Haley. We go and sit down. "So Olivia, how long have you and Jake been married?" She asks.

"Actually we were only just married a couple of months ago" I say smiling. Then setting my jaw. "What about you guys?" I ask. "2 years" she answers smiling. Just then, the bell for the oven goes off. "Well that would be the chicken" Haley says. "I'll come help you" her husband, Michael offers.

When they leave we both get up, we start searching for any connection. I see them fast approaching, "close it" I whisper to him. He has a draw open. They will catch us. I then do unthinkable. I grab him by the face and pull my lips to his while using my foot to close the draw. "Woah we have some lovebirds in here" Michael says.

"Sorry I don't know what came over me. I think it was the wine" I apologise to the hosts. While sending a glare Four's way. He looks shocked at what I just did. We sit down and eat. The chicken was beautiful. It's been a while since I've had a home cooked meal. "That was beautiful. Thank you" I say. "Our pleasure" they say smiling. I check my watch.

"We best be off. It's late. Thank you for dinner" I say getting up. Four also gets up. We head out into the cold. "What was with the kiss" he asks. I knew he would. "It was a cover kiss, you had the draw open, they were about to come in" I explain. "Well I don't believe it was a cover kiss because I'm just too damn irresistible" Four says. "Ha. Ha. In your dreams" I tell him. "All the time darling, all the time" he jokes.

FOUR POV (a little before the kiss)

Straight after they leave the room, Tris and I get up and snoop around. Tris' eyes snap in fright. "Close it" she whispers to me. The draw? Then she does something I would never have expected. She grabs me by the face and she kisses me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tris slowly kicking in the draw. She's covering her actions by distracting them. Michael has to ruin it though. "Woah we have some lovebirds in here".

Tris starts apologising. She's too selfless for her own good. I think she blames it on the wine. I'm not really paying attention. I'm just thinking about the kiss. We sit down and eat. I can tell Tris hasn't had a homemade dinner or a homemade meal of any sort for a while. Well neither have I. We leave and step outside. "What was with the kiss" I question. Although I already know the answer, I'm hoping for something else.

"It was a cover kiss, you had the draw open, they were about to come in" she explains. "Well I don't believe it was a cover kiss because I'm just too damn irresistible" I say. "Ha. Ha. In your dreams" she tells me. "All the time darling, all the time" I joke.


Sorry if it's a little bit repetitive. I thought you guys would want to see the 'cover kiss' from both POV's

I was really excited for this chapter.

I don't know why I was just super proud of it

Ps. SUSPENSE. Also it's like 2:10am in Australia right now so goodnight :)

INSTAGRAM: @arenaofinitiates

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