Chapter 21

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Welcome to the FBI - Divergent


Once we arrive back at the house, we start searching the house with our guns in front of us. Make sure there aren't any intruders. I see a figure on the couch. I point it out to Four. We walk slowly over to the couch to only discover it's Maria. "Shit Maria. You scared us. We could have shot your head off!" I tell her.

"Well you didn't. Anyway, I came to tell you two that the case is closed" she says. "Already?" I ask. "Yes. When you guys were at dinner, you were followed, the sleeper agents didn't realise we were around the house of the dinner party, waiting, as we had picked up chatter about you two. They've been taken into custody" she tells us.

"Who?" I question. She shows me pictures. "I never met this man but I've met this one. That's the one that was really creepy" I say to both of them. "So let's get packed up" I say. "Wait Tris" Maria stops me. "What?". "We've bought into custody a man connected to your parents and he knows who killed your parents, but he is only willing to tell you. Off the record, which means you'll be by yourself with him, no cameras, no audio"

"So when does he want to meet?" I ask. "You'll meet tomorrow at 3pm. In a park" she tells me while standing. "You guys can stay here tonight. It's already late. But you guys aren't undercover anymore" she continues then leaves. I just sigh and go get all of the guns that were hidden. If we aren't undercover anymore, what's the point.

I also take off my thigh holster which has My gun, my knife and some ammo. I put it in my bag. I also go get changed into some usual clothes. Because i don't think I'll be sleeping for a little while yet. I notice Four doing the same. I go sit down on the couch with my head in-between my hands. I've never been this close.

A voice breaks through my thoughts. "Hey, you ok?" Four asks while sitting in a chair opposite me. "I don't know, I've never been this close before, this close to finding my families killer" I shake my head. "It's nerve racking" I continue. I just start crying. I feel Four's arms wrap around me, "hey it's gonna be ok? Alright?" He tells me, comforting me.

I just laugh remembering a memory. When I snapped at Lynn and he said something along the same lines. "Sorry for crying all over you, again" I say laughing. "It's ok" he winks. "I guess I won't be needing a shower anytime soon" he says, bringing humour into the conversation. He just goes upstairs after that but I don't follow.

I just grab the laptop and access the case file labelled PRIOR. I read through it. All my families photos are on it, including me, the difference is that there is a big fat red DECEASED across their photos. I'm the only Prior left. I read through the details of their death, hopping to get closure, all I get is a wave of guilt, that if I was there, I could of at least stopped them.

I don't remember that I went to sleep, but I wake up on the couch, with the laptop in front of me. Four is sitting in the other chair, reading a newspaper. "Hey" I say tired. His eyes snap up to mine. "Hey. Why were you up so late last night?" His eyes fall on the laptop. "Trying to get closure. Trying to figure out who did this" I explain.

"You miss them don't you" he suddenly says. "Yes. A lot more then anyone thinks" I check my watch. "Shit it's 1pm!". I run upstairs and go have a shower. I get dressed in a white long sleeve t-shirt that has small buttons a little down the front, my usual blue jeans and my light weight leather coat, that goes down to my thighs. I suddenly remember something. I grab my vest from my bag.

I remember before leaving work, I grabbed a protective vest. It's not big and chunky like the vests usually are, it's thin and small, but very hard. So it should give me some protection since I'm going into the unknown. I put it on under my shirt then put my jacket back on over it. I make sure that I'm all packed up and I put my boots on.

I walk down and see Four is also ready. We head to his car and pack up. When we get back to the office, I take my stuff inside and start to transform back to Tris Prior. I take off the ring and put it back in it's box, I grab my locket's box and put my locket on. I remove the concealer that hides my tattoo. I change all my ID cards back to Tris Prior.

I put the ring box with the ring in it on Maria's desk. Just then, Zeke and Uriah walk around the corner. "Trissy" they scream. That's right, they've already been catching up with Four, I've just had no time. They pull me into a group hug. "I'm glad your back!" Uriah says. I detect something on Fours face that I've seen before, jealously.


This isn't the best chapter I know

Instagram: @arenaofinitiates

Welcome to the FBI - DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now