Chapter 19

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Welcome to the FBI - Divergent


I remember what Maria said to me before we left. She pulled aside. She told me that only blind people wouldn't be able to see that I'm in love with Tris and told me to be careful. Maria has always been that motherly figure I've never really had. I'm remembering what Maria said as we walk through the hallway to my car.

"So what's the plan?" She asks me. "We get settled in. Figure out a way to meet the neighbours" I tell her. She gets a mischievous grin on her face, "oh I already got an idea" she says getting in the passenger seat. As we drive I ask her, "how?" She turns and looks at me then looks back at the scenery.

"I'm going to go for a run. They will notice me if they are as tight net as the intel suggests. Maria gave me a device that will record the detection of radioactive signatures, see if there's a spike" she tells me. How? Devices are too big to just fit in your pocket. "They are massive though" she pulls hers out and shows me. "Still you'd notice something was in your pocket"

I continue. "Not when I'm in just a sports bra and shorts" she says. Oh god I'd actually pay to see that. I raise my eyebrow. "Smart idea" I compliment her. We arrive at the neighbourhood. Mansions everywhere. We pull up at number 1 which is going to be our home for however long this case takes. I grab mine and Tris' bags and take them inside.

This house is huge. I see Tris' eyes bulge. We head up stairs and we get packed away. Turns out, me and Tris have to sleep on the same bed incase someone sees into the room through a window or something. I'm not complaining though. She takes some clothes and gets changed.

When she comes back in, my eyes bulge out of my head. I can see what she means now. That sports bra is very distracting. She slips her detector in her shorts pocket and heads out of the house. I watch her run up the road. Around 20 minutes later, she's running on the other side. She must of met some of our new 'neighbours'.

30 minutes later, she's back.


I set off down the road. A sweet old lady says hello a couple of doors down. "I haven't seen you around before sweetie" she says to me. I smile "I'm just house sitting for my uncle, Roger Colen. He's gone on vacation" I tell her. Just then her phone rings, "well darl, I better get that. Bye!" She says.

I continue down the road and smile. I think little old ladies are the cutest. I get said hello to a couple of doors down by a guy around my age. "Hi. Haven't seen you around here before, you new?" He asks. His eyes aren't connected to mine but staring at my chest. "Yeah I'm house sitting for my uncle, Roger Colen" I tell him.

"Well if your house sitting, we could have a little fun" he says walking towards me. "I'm married" I say showing him my ring and run off along the road. I meet the Dermody family down the road also. They seem sweet. Then I cross over to the other side of the street. I'm stopped by a gay couple. "Haven't seen you around here before and we know everyone in the neighbourhood" I smile.

"Me and my husband are just house sitting for my uncle, Roger Colen" I tell them. "Oh Roger. He's a great man. Well we best get these muffins inside. You should stop by our bakery, it's the one just near here" they tell me. "I should do that" I smile. "Well I best be off. My husband will be getting worried" I continue. They wave me off and I continue until I get back.

"Hey how did it go" Four asks. "Well I met 4 different property owners. This sweet old lady who was gardening, this creep who wanted to have 'fun', the Dermody family and a gay couple that own a bakery" I tell him. He just smiles. I turn off the recorder and make sure to send the data to Will via the computer.

"Well. Even if I did meet only 4 owners, if they are a big tight group of best friends, they will be gossiping to each other in no time" I tell Four. He just nods. I start going around the house hiding guns. I hide one under my side of the bed, one under the couch and another in the pantry of the kitchen. I see Four doing the same.

I decide to go get changed. I'm probably really distracting Four. I put a loose dark red t-shirt on and grab a pair of my blue jeans. I put my boots back on. I walk down the stairs. When there's a knock at the door. I also have my gun in the back of my jeans. It's a couple I've never seen before. Four comes and stands close to me, putting a hand around my waist. Probably to make it look real.

"Hi. We are from next door! We just heard you were house sitting for Roger so we thought we would pop around here and say hello and also invite you to a dinner party" the beautiful brunette says. I look at Four. "That sounds great. What time should we be there?" I ask. "Dinner will be served at 7pm" she tells me. "Well we will be there at 6:30pm" I say to them. They just smile.

"Well we best be getting off to organise the dinner party. Bye!" They say walking away. I close the door and Fours hand slips from my waist. I put my head against the door. "Well it's 5:30 now. I'm going to talk to Will about this couple. If there's something suspicious on them" I say and walk over to my laptop. I set up video conference.


Sorry this isn't that long

But I tend to update a couple of times a day because I'm Australia, it's currently holidays. I don't start the new school year til another 3 weeks


Everyone is gonna lie the next chapter I reckon. I'm really excited to post the next one. I've already written it in advance and it's a real plot twister

Who knows. Maybe ill post two chapters at the same time?

thanks to everyone who has written beautiful comments about this story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Welcome to the FBI - DivergentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora