She bit her lip and giggled  looking me up and down" since when did you grow balls?" She giggled " yes daddy" she said in a sultry voice

I looked at her furrowed eyebrows "since I was born actually and don't call me that only Lauren can"i smirked and walked past her closing the bathroom door so I could get dressed

I grabbed a dark grey shirt, black cloth shorts, clean underwear and a black windbreaker jacket with staff printed on the back and front left in bold white letters. I threw everything on the bed and did my after shower routine.

I quickly pulled up my underwear and slid my arms through the arm holes then aligning my head with the other hole.

"Woooo you have been working out" Lindsey whistled

I quickly pulled my shirt down and looked at her with a ' can you shut the hell up' face and continued to get dressed. When I slid my shorts on my thick but soft length lifted upward with my The waist band of my shorts causing her to bite her lip and smile. I gave her a grimaced look and turned around.

"Damn you weren't lying" she chuckled " 22 has done you good." She smirked followed by a throaty laugh.

"Hey uh friend can you tell me if this looks okay friEND?" I faked a smile " boost or vans?"

She let out a deep belly laugh and pointed to the boost I had in my right hand " and I am being your friend" she smiled evilly" friends compliment each other all the time to hype them up.. so think of it like that when I say you've gotten bigger" she stuck her tongue between her teeth and giggled

"Ew Bye linds" i rolled my eyes and made my way down the stairs. Lindsey then jumped on my back almost making us tumble down the wooden stairs but I held on to the railing for dear life " are you trying to die idiot?"

" I didn't feel like walking, there's a lot of stairs" she giggled " I did my leg work outs this morning" she rested her chin on my shoulder as I continued down the stairs and smiled

"Alright rides over get down" I started jumping up and down at a fast pace to shake her off which worked after a few bounces

"Thanks friend" she giggled and slapped my ass

I shook my head and walked to jesses room opening the door without knocking. I mean I've seen him naked before and walked in on him having sex a few times, what is there to hide. " aye you wanna go get some food fat ass?"

"No im gonna get up and work on some songs" he said half sleep.


"Yeah I wrote a few yesterday, the guys are coming over soon" he inhaled sharply and stretched his limbs " can you get me something to drink?" He then exhaled with a growl as he relaxed his tense muscles

"I don't feel like it" i giggled " I'll be back Lindsey's still here.. for some reason" I joked

"Where you going?" He looked at me with one eye open

"Uh I don't know, Lauren's working so I figured I'd get out for awhile and have me time" I didn't want to exactly tell Jessie I was going to see Devon because what if she didn't budge and he got his hopes up? " I might get groceries because you're running out and take Lauren and the girls lunch during their break"

He giggled " Bruh didn't you literally just say you were going out to have you time while laur is at work but you're going to take her lunch? "He smiled brightly and shook his head " WHIPPPPPPEDDDD" he sang

"Shut up I don't want her to be hungry while she works" I frowned " and I was gonna get you something to drink before I left but now I'm not "

"Lindseyyyyyyy" he yelled

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