Start from the beginning

My hair still being wet, sent slight shivers to me. Slowly, I took the strands to one side, gently rubbed them with the towel producing friction due to which the dampness would disappear. Then I put on my earrings, a shiny bracelet which I wear on a daily basis. Again, the process of drying my hair went on till I heard a knock.

Shanta di has come to check if everything was good. "U look pretty in this color urmi. A perfect match to ur golden tone. I wonder, from where do u manage to find such pretty outfits", didi wondered. "I don't get them di. Instead I make them. And I know what suits me and I could even suggest u a color, in which u would look as pretty as a rose. Wanna know?", I said with some pride. "Would love to know that. Tell me...... What color would suit me?", her eyes filled with that untainted shine. "Well..... On observing ur tone, I guess some yellows and blues would go perfect. Even white would make u look like an angel. Try it!", I suggested. "Wow! That's interesting! Will try and tell u the result. Now come on! V have to rush. V need to travel a long way to the village panchayat and have a little chat there. C'mon! Get ready and v shall meet at the lobby. Is that OK?", she raised her brows. I noddedin return. When she was just leaving, Laksh came in yelling Didi's name. V were quite surprised to see him suddenly. He was staring at me like anything. I felt quite embarrassed as I was standing with wet hair, which would obviously seduce any man. Not only me, any woman with wet hair, all strands pushed towards one of her shoulders, leaving her back naked, will do some magic with men. When I tried to decipher his expression, I found him drooling a bit at me. That made me blush as well as angry. "Hey! What r u doing here? I was about to come to see u. And how did u know that I was here?", didi interogated. "Ugh!!..... Ahh.. Am... I saw u come this side. So I came here to take u.", he explained as he shifted his sight towards Shanta di. "Fine then! Let's leave now....... Urmi, get ready quickly and wait in the lobby. V shall start together dear!",she said as she held Laksh's hand and started to make a move.

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