"The other word on the street is that Keenan tried to get up in yo panties." Janine replies causing Carson to laugh.

Sevyn's ears start to burn with anger and she bangs her fist in a locker. "How do you know?"

"I talked to Macy this morning so I guess you could say we have been discussing you. I'm pretty sure she hasn't told anyone else but that can change, like that." Janine snaps her fingers for effect.

Sevyn narrows her eyes at her, "You're so immature Janine, I swear. I get that you don't like me but you need to cut this shit out, all of this is getting old. You're holding a grudge because Keenan broke up with you for me, that's not my fault. We were both dumb for dating him but please let this petty behavior go."

Janine's body feels like someone just sliced a knife through her. They day Keenan broke up with her was one of the worst days of her life. She loved him to death, more than she's ever loved anyone in her life. He knew all her secrets, desires, dreams and more. So for him to dump her so bluntly cut deep and the more she saw him and Sevyn together, the more her hate grew.

"Aint my fault Keenan tried to rape you." Janine shrugs, pretending like Sevyn's words don't effect her.

"You think rape is a joke? It's not, I could have been scarred for life because of you."

 "I never told him to rape you, that was all on his own. I merely gave him the pills and suggested that he try to wink you over."

 Sevyn looks at her like she's crazy. "By drugging me? What was that gonna solve?"

 "I don't know, I just wanted you to back off Jackson. It's bad enough you stole Keenan from me, but now you're after Jackson too? Geez Sevyn, you guys have barely been broken up for a week."

 "I'm not after Jackson, and even if I was that nobody's business but mine."

 Janine grabs her gym bag an slings it over her shoulder, "Whatever you say Sevyn."

Even though she finally confronted Janine, Sevyn doesn't feel much better. Now she has to go home and deal with her mother who isn't going to tolerate being snapped at by her own daughter. Sevyn leaves the locker room and heads to the parking lot where Malcolm is waiting for her.

"Hey," Sevyn says sliding into the passenger seat. "Why do you look dead?"

"I'm tired, I had to wake up from my nap just to come get you. You gonna start paying me gas money." He tells her.

"Malcolm it's 6:00 in the afternoon." She tells him as they head home.

He sucks his teeth, "Now you known school be having your ass tired as hell when you get home. Them afternoon naps make me feel like I woke up in a different year." He says and she laughs at his dramatics. "You talk to Janine?"

Sevyn nods, "Yeah, but it didn't do any good. If they keep messin with me I'm gonna release Monica on them."

Malcolm laughs, "Keep her little short ass away from them. She can't be getting suspended her junior year."

"True true," Sevyn agrees before turning up the radio that's blasting a lil Wayne song.

When Sevyn gets in the house she heads straight for her mother who is cooking dinner in the kitchen. She stands in the doorframe with crossed arms and a tapping foot. Her mother glances over her shoulder at her. "Hello to you too." She says dryly.

Sevyn cuts right to the chase, "Mommy you told my teachers about Saturday!?"


"Whyyy?" Sevyn whines. "I didn't want them to know I didn't want anyone to know except the people who witnessed it."

Her mother frowns and worry lines crease her forehead, "Sevyn you don't have to be embarrassed about this. I just wanted your teachers to know what was going on if you broke down in class."

"Mama I've been fine all weekend! I don't want anyone else in my business, they probably gossiped about me in the teachers lounge." Sevyn feels the need to burst into tears but she doesn't. Christine watches her daughters trembling lower lip as she stands there with an upset facial expression. Guilt burns inside her and she walks over, pulling Sevyn into a hug. Sevyn breaths in the smell of seasoning and perfume on her mother, feeling her previous anger slowly fade away.

"I'm sorry for not asking you Sevyn. I didn't think you'd want to talk about it so I took it upon myself to alert your teachers." Her mother apologizes. "I'm sorry alright, but if you raise your damn voice at me again I will slap you next door child."

Sevyn laughs and pulls back from her mother, knowing she cant stay mad at her now that she has apologized. "Sorry mama" she says sweetly, feeling bad at how she snapped at her mom when all she was trying to do was help.

"This will all blow over soon baby, I promise. Things will get back to normal." Her mother says and Sevyn smiles, hoping shes right. "Go tell your brothers the food is ready."

Sevyn looks at the table to see only four plates are set out. "Where's dad?" She asks.

Her mother turns away from Sevyn and returns to her food simmering in the pot. "Work." She says bitterly, not bothering to elaborate. Sevyn watches as her mother stares down at the stove, stirring the stew and adding seasoning almost without realizing.

Each time Sevyn thinks things are going back to normal, things get a little bit weirder.

•More drama in the coming chaps
•vote for The Struggles of a Fangirl in WATTY award Mindless Behavior category!

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