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***2 days later***
Selene was going to a wedding fitting. Even though the wedding was two weeks away, the seamstress needed her size to measure out her dress. She really did not want to go. She didn't even  know what it was like to be married. Even though her and Kai got a long, they haven't slept or kissed ever since those two nights ago. She hated herself again for wanting him. But she let kai have his space, he after all just lost his father, and that- as selene saw- took a  big toll on him. Levana has stayed out of their way, but Selene knew that she wasn't going far, but probably watching her and Kai's every move. 

Selene remembered how devastated she'd been when her mother Queen Channary died. She remembered how devastated Winter was when both her parents died. Even though know one knew who Selene's father was, they knew he was a Palace guard like winter's father. Having confronted them all, she still wasn't able to place who it was, and long ago she gave up that she would ever find him. 

Selene was fitted into a  gorgeous pale blue dress. It was simple yet elegant. (Picture below) 

She was examining her dress, and wishing for the hundredth time that she was wearing her secret stash of overalls or tank tops and cargo pants

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She was examining her dress, and wishing for the hundredth time that she was wearing her secret stash of overalls or tank tops and cargo pants. Even though she was born into royalty, she couldn't help but feel like she wasn't meant to be made for this life. That maybe some where she was meant to be normal. A knock on the door startled her. Muttering to herself.

"Come in!" 

Kai cam in dressed in formal dress. He looked her up and down and bowed "Your majesty." Selene bowed as well though hers was less pronounced. "Your majesty" 

Kai walked over to her. "I've been told that you've been awarded a trip through Artemisia today. Fro a... wedding fitting I believe? Do you care if I may join you?"

Startled by this Selene looked back to kai and gave him a small genuine smile. "It would be an honor" She said dipping her head.

Kai looked behind him as if to see if no one was listening than he came to stand, not two steps away from her. "Thank you. I lost my father and I just can't see anyone else daring to be that patient with me" Selene came over and sat on the edge of her bed. Kai followed. She looked Him right in the eye. "Trust me. I know just how hard it is to lose someone you love." She whispered, more to herself. "I lost my mom, when I was 12. It really was UN expected. To many, she just was a ruthless queen, But to me she was... well she was my mom. She would play with me as if she weren't playing with a princess, but her daughter. She would listen to me and nodded, as if my opinions had value. I just... What i'm trying to say is that I love her." She was surprised when a single tear came out of her right eye. She quickly took her finger to bat it away. She than sat up quickly and stood in front of her full length mirror. Straightening out her dress she whispered, just loud enough for Kai to hear, but barley audible " They say I look like her. Even without a glamour, they say I'm like a replica of her. The servants all whisper, and kills me to not no what there saying. I no that i could force it out of them at any time, but I don't want to be Like Levana." 


"I want to rule with love and kindness, because that's what you should cherish the most. Not a throne, and not jewels. Love"  

She just stared at her reflection for a while, in the silence, that wasn't awkward or forced. Then she whispered something that Levana and her Mother would always say when Selene was a child, when she would ask about true love and happy endings. When she would say she wanted to be rescued from a tower. Even now, when she told Levana that she wanted to find true love and not marry Kai. She whispered

'Love  is a conquest'

'Love is a war'

'Here is what I think of love"

***You like the little Levana thing I did there? Ya well  today I edited allot!! I mean from chapter 4-15!! THANKS and thanks so much for 31 READS!! ***

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