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So this chapter will be considerably longer than my last. Sorry for leaving you with a cliff hanger ( not that sorry) also I am promoting 2 of my other stories.

Selene walked in with her head high. Arms shaking, she used her glamour to show her looking calm. Levana looked sour. But Selene didn't dare back away. She thought to her self words of encouragement and motivation
I will be a queen. Not like Levana, and not like her mother.
That was all she needed.
" Levana. We need to talk. Now"
Levana stared icily. " now? Now my dear Selene? Why can't it wait for later."
Selene refused to cower away from her glare.
" Because I am the queen, and you will do as I ask." Before Levana could say anything Selene gestured to Sybil and Aimery. " you guys are excused. I would like to talk to the princess alone."
Rather reluctantly they left silently, except for the click of Sybil's heels and the light patter of Aimery's clicking tounge.
" I refuse to let you call me a princess Selene!" Yelled Levana quietly. How could she yell  quietly? Because she was talking, with a yell. ( does that make sense?)
"And I refuse for you too talk to me like that! Now." Selene clicked her tongue, and flicked her finger on her chin, than waved her hand in any derection. "I would like you to get off my throne"

***** do you hate me? I'm sooory!! I just have a lot of work. Don't hate me though! I actually posted this way earlier than intended. Like I posted this on the same day I posted my last chap, and I've been updating my other 4 stories More as well. LY THOUGH!*****

I won't say I'm in love ( ON HOLD )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora