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Chapter 21

It's been two years since Selene came to New Beijing, and created a life for herself. She worked at a mechanic shop, fixing cars for a man named Pablo, who was like an uncle to her. She lived her life, normally and nothing like the princess she was. Changing her name to Cinder. Wearing a bandanna, hair naturally always a mess. That was her life now, nothing more or nothing less. 

She was in the shop, working on the newest car brought in this morning. She had the TV on in the corner. The latest search for the missing princess, still ongoing. Same news. 

Since she left, there have been hunts for her everywhere. Her mother was furious. Everyone was worried. And Kai. Two years later and he keeps on coming into her head. Mainly because he was everywhere. His latest girlfriend. His latest looks. His latest interview. Everything was about him. And she had trouble forgetting about him. After all, there parting two years before wasn't a very good one.

She only ever wondered if he thought about her as well.

Rumors have been going on of his new lover, Marianne Debro. One of the most famous singers at the moment. She was a very pretty women, and her and Kai have been spotted hundreds of times. No wonder. 

Selene sighed to herself. She can't be naive. Her life is fine now. Better then it would have been if the she had stayed on Luna and remained princess. Married Kai. Her life was already planned out before she was born, and she couldn't live that. Who could. 

She told herself that she was happy for Kai, but really she felt bad for him. How stupid he must be.

Shaking her head, she changed the TV channel and looked back into the car, just as the bell rang that letting her know someone came in. 

Cursing, she got up and wiped the grease on her pants, and made her way upfront. 

There, was a guy with Black hair and a pronounced jaw line. He looked through Selene, and she shuddered. 

"Hey, i'm here for the job interview. A man named Cinder was supposed to give me a look around..." He trailed of unsure. 

"Uhm, me. I'm Cinder" Said Selene, trying to hide back a laugh. 

"Wait, really? Wow.. I mean sorry" He said putting his hand through his hair, just like Kai did when he was unsure... 


 AYYE lmao hey yall isss AHSI!! Im gonna change my sighnoff name to AHSI instead of XSOP00 just cus i like it better, Anyway DON'T BE MAD!!!

I promise this isn;t the end of KAIDER at all. i've already got all this planned, and you gonna be happy in the end. 

Spoiler - Kaider happens soon lmao 

Anyway i KNWO its saturday. I'll be updating either FRIDAYS OR SATAURDAYS. So keep up with me. 




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