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Ten years later

After so long of not seeing each other again they're back in their old home town. Where all their crazy adventure they had as teens. Summer had grown up a lot as she clean her house she saw her old year book. She smiled of all the fond memories they made.

She open another photo album and saw the wedding pictures from Mayra's sister. It reminded her of how she was in her wedding.

"Summer I'm home" She heard the front door open and Sebastian came in and took off his jacket along with gun and keys.

"Welcome home I was just looking back to some memories." She said as she showed him their prom pictures.

"Woah time really change us. I can't believe it's been ten years since we were in school. I still can't believe Mayra and Aaron got married right after a month she took over the company. It seems Kevin's predictions came true and he's was in France last week. Can't believe he's a huge name for himself." Sebastian said as he saw how young they were.

"Yeah all our friends really married thir high school sweethearts. The strange thing is that we all didn't care about it. Hey we better get ready everyone will be there at 7 so let's get you clean up and ready." Summer said as she went to take a quick warm shower.

After fixing her hair into a bun she apply little makeup

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After fixing her hair into a bun she apply little makeup. While Sebastian put on his matching tie.

After a short drive they arrive and we're directed to their table and saw everyone there. Andrew and Kevin along with their little daughter. That they adopted in china. Brandon and Melissa were their talking to Kenya and Ronald how their trip to Rome was like. Mayra was with Aaron how kept her by his side. At the same time she bugged about how Kevin still hadn't change much.

"Hey Summer so glad you could make it." Kevin said as he went towards her and hugged her.

"Hey Kevin that's not fair you hugged her first last time." Mayra whined as he pulled his tongue out like a little kid.

"Sorry flea but first come first serve." Everyone laugh as the too their seat and began to talk. Turn out that Melissa was two months pregnant now so she was excited and nervous about the baby. Kenya and Ronald are buying their own home and will be moving in one week.

Mayra had gone to Mexico to visit her family. She has been taking care of her mother and father after they retired. So they live in the same big house only different places.

"So Summer anything new in your life?" Kenya asked as she blushed.

"Well yeah it was supposed to be a surprise to everyone. I guess now is a good time. I'm expecting a baby now." She said as Sebastian stood up and yelled yes.

"I'm going to be a father!" He said as tears came. Everyone congratulated them as they made a toast to the next generation to come.

"You know it will be funny if our kids became friends and they do the same crazy stuff like us." Kevin said as everyone laugh at him.

"Yeah it would be crazy but that's what's fun about it. We know that no one can out crazy us even if they try." Mayra said as the food was brought. Aaron kept stealing food from Mayra's plate which she didn't mind at all.

By the end of the night they payed and went to their cars. One by one they all followed to head back to their own homes. Mayra mange to pass some jobs requesting some dancers and side acting. Just as she look into it she felt a hand on her stomach and saw Sebastian talking to the baby even though she knew it couldn't hear him yet.

"You know I glad to have met you. Not only did I have amazing friends, but I also have an amazing wife. I'll grateful for everything you've done for me Summer and I will always will be." Sebastian said as rubbed her stomach.

"Sebastian that's so sweet just so you know I'm grateful for everything you've done for me as well. I just hope the jobs Mayra offered me aren't too crazy now that I'm pregnant."

"If anyone can do it it's you Summer." He said as kissed her lips.

"You know we got to start looking for things that the baby will need."

"Right but that can wait for another day." She as she smiled at him. She knows that no matter what happens she knows that she will always have him by her side. Even if times are rough time she knows that family and friends are the what is more important to life.

Life is just like a dance we font know what song will play. Yet we figure it out while it plays and enjoy every moment to the fullest.

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