chapter 1

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Walking around everyone that she has been with her ever since elementary. No one knew who she was after all these years she was invisible to everyone. Her shoulder length light brown hair and brown eyes were hidden under the blue hoodie.

"Hey Summer!" She turn and saw Kevin and Mayra her two closest friends she has.

"Hey guys how was your weekend?"

"It's was fabulous my dear but enough of us what about you?" Kevin said as they walked to their frist class. He was taller than her and had a highfade with a box cut dark brown hair that match his dark brown eyes and caramel color skin.

"It was okay I practice the moves they asked us to practice. By the way did you guys know that there's going to be party at Tatiana place." She asked as they nodded.

"Yeah that girl thinks that her party will be the best of everyone. Honestly she just wanting attention from everyone. If she new all the dirt I have on her and her family she'll try to keep me quiet." Mayra said as she gave her an evil grin. She had all black her pants shirt hoodie and convers. Her long brown hair was tied into a high ponytail and dark brown eyes made her look sweet and innocent. She also had the habit of getting any sort of information she could get her hands on.

"How is that you know everything on everyone and yet they don't even see you." Kevin asked as Summer looked curios as well.

"Cat like reflexes with the mix of parkour, and let's just say hacking is easy to do now." She said as they laugh of her dramatic pose. They enter their frist class together and sat at their grouped desk. With one empty spot next to summer.

"Alright all of you brat shut up and listen were going to have a new student. He's going to join you guys until the end of your miserable school life. So get in here now new kid." The teacher said.

"Hello my name is Sebastian Woon." a boy with raven black hair and brown eyes said as he bowed.

"Alright sit down next to the group in the back corner. Summer share your books with him until he gets his own." The teacher said.

"Yes Mr.Bush sir" Summer said as they took out their government book. During the whole class she was nervous to talk to him so she let him see the whole book himself. The bell rang and he gave her book back to her.

"Thanks for letting borrow your book." He said as she nodded.

"Hey Summer hurry up we have to get to math fast or else well be put in the line to answer the question." Kevin said as he wink at her.

"Right it was nice meeting you." Summer said to Sebastian.

"Right see you around." He said as he began to walk away.

"Alright I'm out see you guys after class." Mayra said as she ran to her computer class.

"So tell me do you like the new guy?" Kevin said as he grin at her.

"What it's not like that I just think that he's a good looking guy thats all. There's no way I could have a crush on him he might be just like you." Summer said as he laugh at her reaction.

"Oh honey you know better than I do that I prefer older men than that little boy." He said while smiled.

"Still that could change one day."

They got in and walked in and sat in their seats. Just as the sat down everyone began to rush to class trying not be late.

'Well at least some things never change.'

Time skip lunch time

After two more boring lectures they finally had lunch. They were getting in line for some food at the store.

"Hey guys I'm glad you made it." Mayra said as she stood behind them. She still had her evil smirk.

"What did you do?" They both asked.

"Oh nothing just doing some background check." She said as bit deviously.

"Let me guess on Sebastian right." Summer said while she smiled innocently as posible while they finally entered the shop. There was pizza hut, panda express, wings, slushes and other items.

"Hey Summer did you think it's werid he shows up now." Mayra asked Summer as they got their food.

"Not really I'm just think it's just a coincidence." Summer answered as she paid her food.

"What about you Kevin?" Mayra asked.

"I really don't care. Even though he is kinda cute." He said now that he thought about it.

They went to their normal table and saw someone else there. It was the new kid, Sebastian.

"Um hey Sebastian." Kevin said as he looked at us.

"Can I help you guys." He said

"Actually we were wondering why your here. No one actually sits on our table." Mayra said.

"Mayra be nice. I'm sorry for her behavior she's very defensive." Summer said as she stood behind them

"It's alright go on and sit." He said as he took out his phone.

"Hey your Sebastian right?" Tatiana said as her crew stood behind her.

"Hey Tatiana get lost he doesn't need your help. Especially from wannabe like you." Mayra said.

"Mayra what are you doing?" Summer whispered to her friend.

"Or what?"

"Unless you don't want those picture I took from your last party be emailed to your mom and dad. I suggest you leave him alone and yeah I also took a video of it too." She turn around with her crew behind her.

"What just happen?" Sebastian asked

"That girl was trying to get you to sleep with her. I know how she is every single week she gets one boy to sleep with her. The funny thing is it's always the same day her parents go out and come back the next day." Mayra said as she ate her orange chicken.

"And how do you know this Mayra?" All she did was smile at Summer and gave her 'it's a secret' sign.

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