chapter 17

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After a few days Summer was being picked on. Somehow a student saw them talking about prom. As of now she was the main target all the senior girls are after.

"Hey your Summer right?" A girl asked as summer got her English book.

"Um yeah that's me how can I help you." She asked.

"Call it off you don't deserve to go with Sebastian. What makes you so special that he wants to go with you?" She said as she pushed her to the wall hardly.

"Well this is new usually I'm not a guy who likes to fight girls.  Then again that's not your problem right Mayra?" Aaron said as Mayra came to view.

"Who in the Hell do you think you are to beat up my friend. I know that you have a little problem with height let me help cure it for you. How about it?" She said ad she walked closers to the girl.

"No thanks" She said as she ran off.

"I warn you once word spread out and now you're the target. What a coincidence that we skip class now." Aaron said as Summer sat in the ground.

"You idiot you should have told all of us." Mayra said as she looked at her phone.

"Look Aaron you have class with her next right?"

"Of course darling. Why do you ask?"

"So you can keep an eye on her until then." Mayra said as she help her up.

"I don't know"

"Please Aaron" Mayra ask with her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine I'll keep an eye on your friend but you owe me for this."

"Thank you your the best Aaron." She said as she hugged him.

"I know I'm the best okay let go Summer." He said as Summer began to follow him to the next class.

'Who ever found out and spread this will suffer far worse then anyone who's try to hurt her.' Mayra thought as she left to go to her English class.


"So Sebastian did you ask her?" Kevin said as they walk towards their next class.

"Yeah I did and she said yes." Sebastian said as the walked past them they saw Summer walking with.. Aaron?

"Why is he walking with her?"

"Don't know?"

"Hey guys sorry I didn't walk with you I had to get something from my locker." Summer said as she hold her books.

"Don't worry your the perfect student around here so it's natural to get your books. Although why is he walking with you?" Kevin said as he looked at Aaron.

"Mayra asked me to walk with her after a girl try to get her. To think that girl try to make sure she won't go to prom with Sebastian. How worthless girls in this school have truly fallen." Aaron said as he walked ahead of them.

"I would hurry up if you don't want to get late for talking in the halls."He said as he got in Ms. Allen's class.

"Oh right forgot we have to make our story today in class." Summer said as she and the other follow her to class.


"You know Mayra I usually don't allow students to the security cameras." The principal said as he looked at all the camera footage on the computer.

"I know it's easier then hacking in here. I just need to find out who spread the word of Summer and Sebastian." She said as she looked at all the cameras.

"You and Summer go back for so long it's amazing you never fight."

"Well she was the brave one in the group. That was when we were in the third grade. Since then I've been the one to stand up for her."

"Oh right the two girls from that news report of a 'killer almost killing two girls'. You were one of those girls weren't you?" He said as the speed up all the footage.

"Yeah me and Summer were the ones that almost died that day."  When she notice Aaron going in she saw someone else behind him.

"There stop." The principal stop the footage. She look at who it was and recognize the outfit easily.

"That girl has cross the line now."


"Come on Summer let's go out to eat." Kevin said as they walked towards the lunch room after Mayra sent a message for Kevin to get Summer.

"But what about Mayra?"

"She said that her and the others are busy with some business of theirs. So it's just us and Sebastian." Kevin said while inside he was screaming all kinds of words about Mayra.

"Alright so where do we go eat." She said as they saw Sebastian waiting at the doors.

"Don't know I just don't want to eat here today plus I've been craving for something different. What about you Sebastian? What do you want to eat?"

"Let's just go eat at jack in box or something." He said while blushing.

"Alright who's driving we know it can't be Summer after what happen to her car."

"Hey its not my fault that jerk pass the red light and hit my car three months ago I'm work my hands to the bone to buy a new car." She said as she remembered how she survive with few cuts and bruises.

"Yeah I'll drive but Summer is getting shot gun."

"Fine" Kevin said as he walked behind him.

"Hey Kevin what kinda business did they had to do that requires everyone else?" Summer asked as he seem to think about it.

"Don't know maybe a few late payers from both groups. Or something that goes in the darkness in this school. You know very few people can handle that kind of work. I'm impressed she's survive all these years doing it. Especially after what happen to you two." Kevin said as thought back.

"Wait happen to us?" Summer asked as he remembered what he said.

"Oh snap I wasn't supposed to say that." He said as he cover his mouth.

"Uh guys maybe we should get in the car and talk about it before everyone hears you." Sebastian said as he looked around for no one to see.

"Fine but your going to tell me Kevin and if you don't then I guess I'll pay Mayra a vist." Summer said as she got in the car.

'What so important that he won't tell me?'

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