chapter 5

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The weekend passed and everything seemed normal. Well almost, some people murmured as Summer and Mayra pass them.

"I heard she's a man stealer." A girl said but just like always Mayra glared at them.

"You know I really don't mind giving a new look if you keep talking bad about her." Mayra said as she began to walk towards them only for them to run away.

"They seriously get on my nerves when they talk about those damn rumores." She said as the walk to the store.

"Hey where you going?" Mayra asked as Summer smiled.

"I didn't bring money so I'll eat from the cafeteria." She said but she got drag to the store.

"I'll pay don't worry about it. It's the least I can do when you let me stay at your place." She said as they stood together.

"Is that the girl." And then the gossip start once again

"Yeah that's her but don't talk so loud that girl is with her."

"Oh yeah she's that girl the one who gets information about anyone. I wonder why she's with her."

"Must be paying her to protect her."

"Hey shut up before I show you a side that no one should ever see. As for her she my best friend so if you mess with her you mess with me got it." Mayra yelled as she was at her point of getting into trouble.

"Mayra clam down its okay I'm use to it." Summer said to calm her friend.

"Come on Summer we'll get something from outside." She said as she drag her away from them.

"Hey guys want to go get something to eat.' She asked the others just got the cafeteria.

"Yeah sure what do you guys want." Kevin said as every one began to walk to the parking lot.

"Let's get pandas I feel like eating Chinese food today." Mayra said as she got her keys.

"Alright but why not go to the store here at school." Sebastian said as they notice her dark mood.

"Someone started talking about that rumor and she got mad." Summer said.

"Ah then yeah it's best to go out for lunch for the next few days if they're talking about this." Melissa said as she got her keys.

"Okay so how should we go three and three."

"Let's just go in my car it's a bit bigger but we'll fit in a bit squishy." Mayra said as she walked to her Kia.

"Hey is that soul Kia from last year." Kevin said as she open the car.

"Just get in you hamster before I leave you here." She said as she got in the driver's seat.

"Shotgun" Kevin said as ran to the passengerseat.

"Okay somehow I feel an elbow hitting my rib." Kenya said as they got in.

"How about this Sebastian put Summer on his lap until we get there." Kevin said as they blush for what he suggested. In the end Summer sat on his lap.

'Wow she lighter than I though.' Sebastian thought as car engine was brought to life.

"If you try something I won't hesitate to beat you up." Mayra said as she began to drive to panda express.

Once they arrive they got what they wanted to eat. The sat near the window and they started to talk about anything.

"So let me get this straigh Kenya actually name in Kenya Rodriguez. As in the Rodriguez toy company." Sebastian as Mayra explian what their families do.

"Yep her family are well known for their toys. Meli family is the Valles wine company. They make the great wines all over the world."

"And yours Mayra what's your family business." Sebastian asked as everyone knew the answer.

"We're know pretty much everywhere. You heard of V agency right. The one that they travel to different countries and and search for new stars." Kenya said as Mayra blushed from embarrassment.

"Wait your the president daughter of an agency. How?" He said as he once saw how goofy he acted on TV for an award show.

"We'll my dad was a big star and my mom was his manager. They came to the states and had me and my older siblings and my little sister. Soon they became one of big agency know to the world. They go for any kind of talent acting, singing, and so on."  She said as Summer could tell she was embarrassed enough.

"Hey prom is coming up you guys going?" Melissa asked everyone trying to change the topic for Mayra.

"Not really I'm was just going to get information on people. What about you Summer you going?" Mayra said as she regain from the embarrassment.

"I don't think so. Maybe if I have a date I'll go." She said shyly.

"Who needs a date when you can go with your friends." Kenya said as Melissa agreed with her.

"Easy for you two to say it's once of a lifetime to waste money on a dress that may never be worn again." Mayra said.

"Still it would be nice to go with everyone." Summer said.

"Well then after school we'll go dress shopping for you Summer." Kevin said.

"What about you Kevin? Aren't you going to prom with Andrew?" Sebastian asked.

"Nope we can't go plus I never like school dances." He said .

"If you don't go Summer won't have fun hanging out with us." Mayra said teasingly. Kevin then thought about all the fun things that could happen and change his mind.

"Then I guess I'll go for her."

"Good after school we'll start dress shopping and stuff."

"Wait so your going to prom after all?" Sebastian asked.

"If it's for Summer then I'll go to prom." Mayra said

"Plus your coming with us too Sebastian." Kenya said with an evil smirk.

"Well it settled you can't back out of it now." Melissa said as she pointed at them.

'I just sign my death sentence.' Mayra thought.

"But before we go I need to pick up someone."

"Who?" Everyone question her.

"You'll know when we get there." Mayra said as she continued to eat.

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