chapter 10

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After a long drive Mayra drop them off saying she had to do some things before midnight. They both entered and saw that it was empty again.

"Are your parents out again."

"Yeah business trip in Mexico city. I guess it was importan." She said as she began to look at the mail.

"Well if you ever need help or feel alone just call or text me." Sebastian said as shuffle his feet.

"Okay anyway let's work on our homework before Kevin comes." Summer said as she got her homework out.

"Right but can I use your bathroom before we start." He asked as she nodded and told him where it was.


Mayra picked up Melissa and Kenya. She began to drive to their frist stop to collect a few payments from some of the students.

"Hey this where Jessica lives right." Kenya asked.

"Yep she's owes us money from the answers she said she forgot the money at home so let get it and go." Mayra said as looked in her phone.

"You okay Mayra? You seem tense." Melissa asked her.

"I'm fine just this guy is persistan in talking to me." She said as she hung up on the guy.

"What guy?" They both asked.

"He's new to my computer science class but he's been trying ask me out. Honestly he's more of a flea than me and I don't like it." Mayra said as she grip the wheel.

"Really didn't think someone would have the gut to go against you." Kenya said.

"Let's get the money and go I have to do something before it gets late." She said as they nodded and went to get the money.

Her phone rang again after three minutes. She finally snap as she answered it hoping he'll stop.

"What!? What do you want with me?!"

"Oh did I hit a nerve."

"Listen I want nothing to do with you so leave me alone."

"Can't do that you see you have intrigued me a lot since we've met at school."

"And how did I do that?"

"Simple your an info broker just like me."

"What do you want then?"

"It's simple go to prom with me and after we go out on a date. Unless you want her to get in this deal."

"If I think about it would you stop calling me until I made up my mind."

"Yes I would but in person I'll still come and see you."

"Fine just stop bothering me."

"Pleaser doing business with you and I won't tell anyone about your friends and your information." He hung up as Mayra hit the wheel.

"That bastered he's dead." She said as Kenya and Melissa came back with the money.

"Hey everything okay?" Kenya asked worried her friend got a problem.

"No someone else in our school is a info broker. And he just made a big mistake on threatening me."


Just as Summer finished explaining how to solve the problems to Sebastian. The doorbell rang and Summer thought it was Kevin. Who he sometimes forgot his key that she gave him and Mayra.

"Kevin did you forget your key." Summer said but when she open it she saw the same guy from earlier.

"Well this is the famous Summer she protects. I wonder why she's protects you so much?"

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" She asked as she try to close the door.

"Oh sorry my name is Aaron I was around the neighborhood and I thought Mayra would be here." He said as his eyes look red brown in the light, but now they look pitch black and looking into her mind.

"No she's not here sorry but I'm kinda busy so-"

"But that's perfect makes it more easy to get her to go out with me." He said as he pushed the door open.

"Hey don't come in without someone's permission it's rude." She said as looked a bit mad.

"Oh please you and what army." He looked around and saw Sebastian standing up.

"I suggest you leave were waiting for a friend to come."

"Oh alright I'll come back another day. As for Mayra tell her I'll see her tomorrow at the same time and place." He left as he chuckled to himself.

"I wonder what he wants with Mayra no one is that confident. Unless he has something that she need to keep quiet." Summer said as she lock the door.

"It's best you stay at her place for the next few days. Or at least until your parents come back." Sebastian said.

"Right I'll call her to let her know." She said as got iPhone out. Just as she was about to call Mayra her name pop up as she called her frist.

"Mayra thank goodness your safe"

"Summer did someone come to your house?" Mayra asked a bit of panicked in her voice.

"Yeah he was looking for you but he left, and said he'll see you tomorrow at the same time and place."

"That bastered is dead when I see him. Anyway I'm coming to pick you up I don't trust this guy. Plus I just found out what he does as well."

"Mayra are you in some kind of trouble?" Summer asked worryingly

"I don't even know myself Summer but I know he's going to try to get you when I'm not around. Is Kevin with you."

"No Sebastian is here we were waiting for Kevin but he's not here."

"That idiot he's going to get it when go to his house." Mayra yelled.

"Hey maybe he had to do something at his place and is probably coming in late." Summer try to clam her friend.

"Yeah or probably making out with Andrew. That idiot is so simple minded how the heck has he survived this long." Mayra said.

"Come on Mayra we both know he's just love struck so just calm down."

"Fine just make sure to take what you need for a few days. Until your parents come back your staying at my place. I don't trust that guy not one bit." Mayra said as she hung up.

"Guess I better start packing for the next few days. She's all paranoid from the guy I wonder what he said to her to make her like that." Summer said as she went to her room.

'What could have happened if Sebastian wasn't here.' She thought as she packed her clothes.

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