chapter 19

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Ever since Kevin slip up on the one secret that everyone vowed never to talk about. He's been on edge about everything especially in dance. That was two days ago and it's Friday which meant that tomorrow is prom.

"Kevin come on you have to tell me what happen to me and Mayra."

"I don't know what your talking about? You know what tomorrow prom and you know we need to find a make-up and shoes and hairstyle for you." He said while walking to the door only to get hit by it.

"Okay I got to say you are not helpful while under pressure." Mayra said as she read her book.

"Come on Mayra what happen." She asked her finally.

"It was an embarrassing moment for Kevin when he went into the girls bathroom. When he notice it was when some girls were there. After while in there he send us a message he need help to get out. He said never to mention it again." Mayra said with ease.

"Really that's it I thought it was something else." Summer said.

"Yeah that's why I didn't want to talk about sorry." He said with a blush as he remembered that day.

"Fine so want to go shoe shopping today Mayra?" Summer asked as Mayra move her eyes but not her head to see her.

"Not a huge fan of shopping but I guess I'll go with you." Mayra said as she sent message to the girls saying if they wanted to come. They answer with a lot of emoji.

"Meli and Kenya want to come too. By the messages they sure do love shoes." Mayra said as she showed her the messages.

"Well I don't get how your not into shopping." She asked.

"You remember my older brother."

"Oh yeah your brother is a big hit on the screen. Isn't he married to that actress from that movie they did together." Summer said as she thought back.

"Yeah well when they were preparing the wedding. Do you know how many hours I suffer trying dress after dress. Later shoe after shoe just for one day. Ever since then I've hated shopping now that my sister is getting married she asked me to be the maid of honor. I said yes. Just so you know so you'll probably be invited so warning summer." Mayra said as she hit her head on the desk.

"Wow didn't know about that and congrats about your sister." She said all happy.

"Whose the lucky guy."

"He a movie director and they met because my dad need something to deliver one of our stars a script. She happen to go there to meet one of friends who is a major actress." Mayra said as she sigh from the headache she had just by thinking about the next wedding.

"Wow they must have hit it off well to to get married."

"This was four years ago and now they finally tell us they're getting married. Which they were engaged two months ago." She said as she looked at them.

"Just kill me now before I have to wear that dress she chooses." She mumbled as they laughter at her reaction.

"Sorry but there's no way your doing that." Summer said as Sebastian agreed.

"Fine." Mayra sigh as she hit her head again.


School was over and everyone was excited about prom. The guys all bought the tickets for their dates and themselves as well as the after prom.

"So Kevin heard about the bathroom incident." Aaron whispered as Kevin faceplamed.

"I totally forgot you do the same work as Mayra." He said as he walk towards the cars.

"Don't worry like I said your information is safe like the others. I don't want darling to hate me before prom." He said as he walked next to him.

"Do you guys have the corsages ready for them?" He asked as they looked at him like he's from a different planet.

"You guys forgot didn't you?" He stated as they hit the head.

"Well I guess it's time for me to help you four since I'm just a lose wheel." He said as he walked towards their cars.

"Just follow me I'll take you guys to a place I know they have them." He said as they all got in their cars. Well Aaron had pick up his friends so they just follow Kevin and Sebastian said car.

They arrive a nice shop far from the main street and they got out to see that Kevin was at the door.

"Dude why bring us here?" Brandon asked as he saw all the flowers.

"She's my boyfriends mother she's owns this flowers hope for so long that it's hard find her unless someone knows the family." He said as he saw Andrew.

"Hey Kevin what can I help you?" He asked he kissed his cheek.

"Wait he's gay?!" They all scream as Aaron and Sebastian knew already.

"Yes boys he's gay why do you think he hangs with the girls a lot. And it's obvious by his clothes and actions." Aaron said as he looked at the flowers.

"Andrew please tell me you have some corsages here."

"Yeah tons tomorrow a lot of guys will find this place and we put our highest prices up for last minute." He said as he looked at the back.

"What corsages are we looking for boys?"

"Roses one white one blue one red and one black and white."

"Alright let's me get a few of the corsages out you guys can pick." Andrew said as he went in the back.

"So why did you choose those colors?" Brandon asked.

"You have to mix and match I know all the girls dresses. By color and style you guys need all the help you can get." Kevin said.

"Hey man thanks for the help." The guys said as they patted his shoulder.

'I hope that this night will be a night you remeber.'

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