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Mercedes felt like the luckiest girl in the world. In just a few minutes, she was going to marry the man of her dreams. John Cena, a man who she considered her brother would walk her down the aisle

She smiled slowly as she looked at herself

She smiled slowly as she looked at herself

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She smiled. This was actually happening.

She smiled as John came through the door to get her.

As she walked down the aisle, she smiled as a tear slipped from Dean's eyes

As the vows came, she grinned

"I love everything about you and I would never wanna be without you ever, your eyes show me my future and there was never anyone nor will there be anyone who I care about more than you, I love you so much Dean and I promise to always be by your side through hell and high water, I'll always be forever yours, I love you," she finished sliding the ring on his finger

"Mercedes when we met, who knew we'd be here today? But the way everything happened I wouldn't change anything. I can't imagine my life without you nor would I ever want to. I promise to always love you and stay by your side, forever your, I love you," he finished sliding the ring on her finger

"Beautiful," the officiator said smiling

"Now if there is any reason these two shouldn't be wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace," he spoke

Both Mercedes and Dean looked at Seth who gave them a thumbs up and a smile, they smiled back

"Do you Dean Jonathan Ambrose take Mercedes Grace Colace to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth and promise to love her as long as you both shall live, till death do you part?"

"I do." He said smiling while looking into Mercedes' eyes

"And do you Mercedes Grace Colace take Dean Jonathan Ambrose to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and promise to love him as long as you both shall live, till death do you part?" He asked Mercedes

Mercedes looked into Dean's adoring blue eyes and smiled

"I do." She replied

"Wonderful, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose, you may kiss the bride," he finished as Dean tilted his head and pressed his lips against hers as everyone broke out in cheers.

They joined hands and ran down the aisle to backstage into the limo so they could go to reception

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