You Had Me At Hello

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The song used is You Had Me At Hello by Kenny Chesney

Dean and Seth had just arrived at the club that after much hesitation and bargaining, Nikki had told them where she was taking Mercedes tonight. When she told them, Seth wrapped her arms around her and squeezed so tight, Dean thought she would pop.

Seth was sweating and he was wearing a white shirt so Dean had to calm him down

Dean was dressed abit more casually, actually he looked like how he always looks

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Dean was dressed abit more casually, actually he looked like how he always looks

Dean was trying to calm Seth down, smacking him really wasn't helping if you asked Seth

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Dean was trying to calm Seth down, smacking him really wasn't helping if you asked Seth

They both stopped when Mercedes walked in, both breaths hitching

Mercedes knew she looked good. She had pride in the way she kept her body and herself.

She made eye contact with both of them and felt a sense of pride in making them both speechless

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She made eye contact with both of them and felt a sense of pride in making them both speechless

"Goddamn," Seth and Dean said together

Seth gave Dean a pointed look and Dean smiled and raised his hands in defense.

Seth was nervous and he tried really hard to contain his emotions as his name was called

Mercedes looked at him in shock but caught herself and smirked

Seth took a deep breath before he began

"One word, that's all you said,
Something in your voice called me.
Turned my head.
Your smile, just captured me
You were in my future as far as I could see
And I dont know how it happens, but it happens still
You asked me if I love you, if I always will," Seth sang, unable to see anyone at this moment but Mercedes and himself

"Well you had me from hello
I felt love start to grow
The moment I looked into your eyes you won me
It was over from the start you completely stole my heart
And now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know
You had me from hello,"  Seth kept his eyes trained on the many emotions that flashed behind those green eyes that be had came to love

"Inside I built a wall
So high around my heart, I thought I'd never fall
One touch, you brought it down
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
And I swore to me I wasn't going to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in"

"But you had me from hello
I felt love start to grow
The moment I looked into your eyes you won me
It was over from the start you completely stole my heart
And now you wont let go
I never even had a chance you know
You had me from hello"

Seth watched as realization crossed Mercedes' face. He had his eyes trained on her and only her

"That's all you said
Something in your voice calls me, turns my head
You had me from hello
You had me from hello
Girl, I've loved you from hello"

Seth watched as she slowly walked up to where he stood on the stage

He whistled sharply and Dean who had just wiped a tear from under his eye lid produced a flower to Seth. Seth gave him a brief smile before he turned and took Mercedes' hand

"Mercedes, from the moment I saw you I knew if I didn't fall for you, I needed my heart checked. Even if you might not be able to say it back right now, I want you to know, I am so truly, madly, deeply in love with you, it makes me scared sometimes but hey, what're you gonna do. I'm really sorry for what happened. I care about you so damn much. And if you'd have me, I'd really like a second chance," Seth came to the end of his spiel and raised the flower a bit more.

It was a white lilly. Dean had gotten it especially. Since he knew it was her favourite.

The room stood silent. Seth watched in fear, even during his speech, her expression had not changed. It seemed like right at that moment, everyone who was present was holding their breath, Seth felt like dying from his suspense.

Then suddenly, she smiled, the same one he fell in love with and his heart swelled as she slowly plucked the flower from his fingers. And as he stood up, he immediately wrapped his strong arms around her, to which she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck

"I missed you." He whispered to her

"You too," she replied his heart again swelled with joy and love

"I love you." He then said, he knew she wouldn't say it back right away, but he felt he needed to constantly remind her that he loved her.

Their lips slowly met in a slow, passionate kiss before they broke apart and her eyes trained on Dean. He flinched under her intense gaze

Mercedes slowly walked over to him

"You helped him with this little stunt?" She asked Dean nodded surely

Suddenly, tiny but strong arms wrapped around his broader, taller frame

"Thank you Joker," she said into his chest his smile grew like the actual Joker's

"Your welcome HQ," he said hugging her back

"I'm sorry," he said looking into her shining emerald eyes

"I forgive you, best friend," she smiled squealing when Dean spun her around and squeezed her tightly

Seth knew he could trust Dean now. He smiled as he looked at the two best friends he folded his arms

"You really had me at hello," he said smiling fondly at Mercedes

Author's Note

I feel like you all don't like my book, I'm thankful to those who gave me the chance, but those who read, please, please, please give a vote or comment please, just to ensure you all like the book and want me to continue. Thanks. -Itchweed💪

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