We Don't Need You

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So. Its been 3 weeks since Seth and Mercedes got together. They honestly could not be happier.

The whole team was just beaten down at the hands of Team Miz and where was the so called leader of Team Ambrose? No where to be found.

Mercedes grunted as she slid against the ring rope to get to her feet, then she made her way over to Seth and Randy and extended her hands and helped them up, if she wasn't pissed now, she had to be for her promo with Dean

The team walked to the back broken, beaten and battered.

They caught sight of Dean as the camera followed them

Mercedes growled when he came into view

"This is the 4th time Ambrose, you left us for dead...again!" Mercedes shouted

Dean looked at her and opened his mouth only to close it, not having anything to say.

"You made a promise to me and you broke it one to many times Ambrose, I told you from the start, don't piss me off and don't break your promise that you'll stand by your team," Mercedes said, Seth standing by her side

Roman helping John keep Randy on his feet

"Guys-" Dean started

"We don't need you, Roman is United States Champion, John is Number 1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Randy is 1/2 of the Tag Team Champions, Seth has a crack at the Universal championship and I, I would be WWE Women's Champion if I had not decided to be on your team," she spat at him, grabbing her neck where it hurt

"I never asked you to do any of that," he threw back at her

"Your right, you didn't, I asked to be on your team because I care about you dammit, I helped cuz your my friend, now, I'm not so sure," she said walking away from the shot

"You messed up Ambrose," Randy said as the whole team walked away from where Dean stood

Dean rubbed his hand over his face and gave a deep sigh.


Mercedes had another promo right now

She slowly walked to Shane's office

She knocked and walked in

"Hey killa," Shane said smiling when she entered

"Hey," she replied

"What can I do for you?" He asked her

"Can I still have my match against Becky for the championship?" I asked him he tilted his head

"Why so suddenly?" He asked leaning on his desk, folding his arms

"You saw what happened tonight, I don't think there's much left of Team Ambrose," Mercedes said running her hand through her black locks

"When do you want your match?" He asked her she smirked at him

"RAW after Survivor Series," she smirked he nodded and scribbled his signature on her contract

She signed her signature also and smirked as she shook Shane's hand and walked out of the office

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