It's Not, I Swear

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Mercedes raised her hand and smirked as she won her match against Nattie. She rolled out of the ring and smirked as the fans screamed as she walked up the ramp.

When she reached backstage she shook Nattie's hand as a show of respect.

"Uh, Mercedes," Seth came up to her as usual rubbing the back of his neck. She noted that he did it when he was nervous. Adorable.

"Hey Seth," she replied adjusting her championship on her shoulder and biting her lip, a movement followed by Seth's eyes

"Can we talk?" He asked her, she looked around

"Can it wait till I'm changed? I'm just really sweaty," she told him he stammered

"Uh, yeah of course," he nodded she hit him a smile that made his heart flutter and she walked off

Seth nervously walked to her locker room

Just as he was about to knock, the door opened

She looked up at him and smiled

"Hey." She spoke

"H-hi," he stammered

"Ready to talk?" She asked rolling her bag out the doorway

"Let me," he said picking up the bag shaking his head when she made a noise of protest

They walked in silence for a few minutes before Mercedes groaned

"Seth, please talk, you wanted to talk so," she complained

Seth opened and closed her mouth a few times. Not exactly finding the right words.
Finally he did.

"Why did you reject the date? I thought you liked me too," he said putting her bag on the ground near the trunk of her car while she opened the trunk

"I do like you Seth, but I don't need a pity date, I'm sorry if Dean put you up to it," she replied Seth grabbed her arm

"Pity date? It was never a pity date, it is not a pity date, I swear, it's not," he said honestly looking into her green eyes

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