I Like The Challenge

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Mercedes got ready for 7:30 and exactly as she applied a thin layer of lipgloss, her doorbell rang. She walked over to the door and pulled it open seeing Seth standing there holding her favourite flower. A single white lilly.

"F-F-For you," he stammered she smiled and lightly took the stem between her fingers and smiled slightly

"Thank you," she said raising her eyebrows slightly

He took it from her hand and pushed it behind her ear and smiled

"There,"  he whispered tucking another strand of hair to keep the lilly in place

He took her hand and they walked to the café a block around the hotel

They sat at a table, Seth smiling softly as Mercedes slowly sipped her hot chocolate and a strand of her black hair fell across her face

Seth hesitantly reached over and folded it to the shape of her ear

"Perfect" he whispered

"I have a feeling you're not talking about the coffee," she teased

He chuckled

"I'm not, its a certain black haired beauty that captured my heart," he replied leaning on his palm

"Oh please, I'm anything but perfect Seth," she said sounding like she actually believed the shit she was saying.

"Why are you so guarded?" He asked she sighed

"Its too early to tell you exactly what happened that made me this way...but I will tell you one thing, I don't fall in love," she said honestly

"Why are you telling me all this?" He asked looking into her green eyes

"I'm saying it so you have time to turn back," she sighed, looking anywhere but at Seth

She looked at him when his palm covered the back of hers

"I like the challenge," he said firmly smiling she smirked

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