What He Means To Me

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The next week, Mercedes hadn't seen Seth since he had 9 days off because his grandma had died so he hadn't been backstage, but he hadn't left her mind at all, his smile, his eyes, his laugh, the way he would look at her like she was the most important thing in the world was what made her keep him in her mind for as long as she had.

She was in Dean's locker-room, resting her head on his lap. This was normal for them. But she had noticed that Dean was acting strange lately. Ever since Seth left, he'd been cancelling plans with Renee to hang out with Mercedes or constantly staring when Mercedes would smile or do something cute.

"HQ," Dean started

"Yeah Joker," she replied, eyes closed while Dean played with her hair

"What's been going on between you and Seth," he asked her, suppressing a growl when she smiled at the mention of his name

"What do you mean?" she asked

"You two sure have been buddy buddy ever since you met," he replied trying to keep the bite out of his words

"Well you are my best friend," she said solemnly

"Seth is the perfect guy, he's my soulmate I'm sure, he makes me want to open up to everyone and if I'm hurt or I fall, he's gonna be there, I'm not sure if I absolutely love him yet because you know my history with relationships, but I know that I haven't stopped thinking about him since he told me he loved me. It's funny actually, I thought I could never have feelings stronger than what I felt for you all those years ago, but here we are, when Seth comes back, I'm gonna tell him why I'm so guarded. He's important to me Dean," She announced to him

He gave her a tight lipped smile as she got up for her match

What has Dean done?

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