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This part is a Song Fic. Play the song then read or play while reading. It's Taken by One Direction

Seth heard about what happened with Mercedes, how she had gotten suspended. He knew it was because of him

She wasn't here tonight. But she was here in spirit.

He was snapped out of it when a consistent knocking interrupted his thoughts

He got up and opened the door seeing Dean. He grinned

"Hey, man wassup," Seth asked leaning his weight on the doorframe

"Can we talk?" Dean asked Seth nodded

"Wanna come in or?" Seth asked

"Uh no, let's do this outside, where there's witnesses," Dean replied saying the last part under his breath Seth nodded and walked into the hallway

"You okay Dean? You look tense," Seth commented

"I have every right to be. So I know your gonna hit me or hate me and I expect you to so I'm just gonna say it," Dean asked

"I sent those text messages to you from Mercedes' phone," Dean said protecting his face from an impending blow

"I'm not gonna fucking hit you Dean," Seth said

"Your not?" He asked Seth

Seth folded his arms

"No. I don't hate you nor am I mad, I'm just disappointed you had to ruin Mercedes and I for your own personal gain," Seth said walking away from Dean

Mercedes was hot headed. Always was, always will be. I can't believe Seth used the 'disappointed' card. It meant shit when his mom said it but when Seth said it. It felt like a dull knife was being shoved down his trachea, over and over again.

He signed and took up Renee's phone and gasped when he heard the song. It sounded like Mercedes was singing it for him. And he was the cold, heartless monster who hurt her time and again.

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