Getting To Know Mercedes

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Mercedes Grace Colace was born on December 27th 1986 to Marcus and Geniva Colace. She had gotten her name due to her dad's love of cars. Her middle name came from her father's grandmother who had died 20 days before Mercedes was born

She grew up in a tiny housing development with her mom, dad and sister Jasmine, who died from lung cancer at an early age.

She had a nearly normal childhood. She ate lunchables and drank juice boxes.

When she was 3 and a half. A lady with blonde hair, blue eyes and a trim figure and her 4 year old son who had off blonde nearly strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes came to live further up the street.

She instantly ran over to the boy and introduced herself. She already considered him her best friend.

They went to the same kindergarten, primary school, high school and they didn't have money for university but they made it.

At 17 years old, Mercedes had blossomed into a lovely young lady. But the troubles in her life also blossomed along with her.

Her dad became a heavy alcoholic and her mom became a druggie. Life had different ways of showing you lessons

She was never abused. Physically. But verbally, she had been called every name in the book and once had numerous cigarette burns and bottle shards in her neck. Her parents were already on a slippery slope towards rock bottom and no way was she allowing herself to be dragged with them.

Few years later, maybe 3 or 4,
Her parents were indulging themselves in their daily fix downstairs, when she heard her dad cursing as usual, she simply sighed and rolled her eyes, continuing to wash the dishes until a gunshot rattled her bones and her teeth. She heard silence after. Then her dad shouting her name. He had tried to rape her that night and would have succeeded if she had not been having wrestling training with Dean. She fought back. Called the police and then watched the police shoot her father.

Alot of people may say "Oh I'm so tough, wrestling saved my life,"

In Mercedes' case. It was true.

Then she moved in with a lone Dean in his house. They went into the wrestling seriousness together. With the money Mercedes got from selling the cursed house that gave her a lot of scary thoughts on a lot of scary nights, she was able to pay all of Dean's house bills and pay for their wrestling school tuition.
She hated Cincinnati. Too many bad memories. Too much salt would be rubbed into her wounds. She hated what Cincinnati represented. She hated what happened in Cincinnati and how it happened.

But now, she's WWE Women's Champion she works for 4 million dollars per year, she has people around her who care for her. And she's self preserved. She can understand right from wrong, take care of herself and dare she say it, she was a...badass

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