You Did What?!

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Dean sat in his room with Renee lying on his chest when Mercedes came in and sat down folding her arms with the cutest pout on her lips

"Are you okay pudding pop?" Asked Dean as Renee excused herself knowing not to get in the way of the friendship Dean and Mercedes shared

"No." she said sighing

"What's up?" He replied

"How could he? I finally found someone I cared about and he turns out to be a massive jerk. Ugh," she told him falling back on the sofa

Dean rubbed his chin slowly. He should just tell her.

"Mercedes..." Dean began

"I mean, Imma good person, why do bad things happen to good people," she said not to anyone in particular

"Cedes," Dean tried again feeling like the worst

"Ugh, Seth was the greatest guy I've ever met. And what happens, he blames me for something I have no freakin' idea about and now, we're giving each other the silent treatment." She said resting her forearm on her forehead.

Dammit. I'm the worst

"MERCEDES!" Dean shouted

She stopped short and looked at him

"I did it, I sent those text messages to Seth," Dean said biting his lip fearing the worst

"You did what?!" She growled at him making him flinch

"I realized how much I actually like you. And I wanted him to back off of you cuz I was jealous," he explained stuttering

When Mercedes was mad, she could kill.

"This is just like you!" She screamed at him

He whimpered

"Just like you to think about yourself before you think about everyone else. God Dean, you can't do anything without it being about you, your a self-centered asshole, you fucking knew how much Seth meant to me and just like every other thing, you had to make it about yourself and ruin what good I had," she shouted at him

"I can't believe this, your the reason Seth is upset with me. You. Just, stay the fuck away from me." She said exiting the room

Dean flinched when the door slammed against the hinges

As the silence settled, Dean felt the weight of the situation settle on him

"I'm the worst piece of shit in the world."  He muttered to himself

I need to tell Seth. Its not gonna end well but I need to. I need to tell him. I need to get my friendship back .

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