Never Meant To Be [8] Amber Eyes

Start from the beginning

"Cecilia dear!" A light appealing voice rang, caching my attention as I twirled around to see five ladies all sitting in some chairs that faced each other, waving at me with kind smiles. It seemed they were the only group of females in the room.

"Care to join us?"


-Normal Prov-


"She's a guest here. I found her one night in my forest." Wrath explained dully, his tone bored as he lightly twirled his wine in his hand. Yet kept his eye on her as she laughs with the wives of the council. It was soothing to his ears compare to the others.

"Really now? It's quite rare to find lovely creatures like that in the woods. You'd think she'd stick to the light than wonder through such a place." The silvered haired man sipped some dark red substance within his glass, something he did every day. It was a liquid that kept him healthy and alive.

"You have a quick eye Salem. But I don't think Wrath's angel knows it. Otherwise, why would he have gone through all the trouble he has?" Another man beside Wrath chuckles while Wrath gazed towards Cecilia's smiling form. "I mean, waiting after all those years like a stalker-"

"Jace." He looked over to his friend, his eyes hardening as the man named Jace merely laughed at his Wrath's reaction. Wrath had to keep himself from an uncharacteristic eye roll as he took another sip of

"It was a joke my friend." He said simply, enjoying is white wine as he patted Wrath on the shoulder in a brotherly manor. "Learn to live a little."

Wrath had to inwardly smile at this, agreeing with his childhood friend as he continued to watch the girls chat among themselves. Deep down he wished he could make her feel comfortable around him, but he knew it be a challenge.

She'd find out sooner or later.

Unaware that he wasn't the only one watching, Wrath turned back to his friends and began to discuses some topics that involved his kingdom. With amber eyes hungrily taking in Cecilia 's form in a different perspective, it would seem that things would begin to heat up soon.


-Cecilia Prov-


All the girls were rather rebellious than you'd think for council wives. They usually all fight with their husbands at least twice every day. I had laughed throughout the entire chat when they did impressions of their dotting men.

"Salem is such a womanizer, how can you bare to control his behavior Isis?" Elena pondered with a playful nudge, making the other laugh at the Elena's gesture.

"Quite simple, you just tell him he'd have to sleep in the sun unless he behaves himself. That's all to it my dears!" The girls giggled at this, sneaking glances to a man with silver hair who was too busy talking with some jolly looking men and Wrath, who for a second glanced my way but looked away quickly before our eyes ever made contact.

"So Cecilia, how is you visit been here at Wrath's manor? Not To rowdy I hope." Della winked, causing my face to instantly flush to a dark rosy blush, seeing what she was hinting at. How come every were I went, someone would think we were into each other? I was starting to find this ludicrous!

"Oh come now Della, she's only what? Sixteen? Still a bit young to do such a thing with Wrath. I can see it when she's seventeen but sixteen is a bit hasty." Rosa remarked with her soft hazel eyes looking at my blushing form; smiling like an angel that god had dropped from the heavens. It amazed me how slender her form was, as well the coloring of her fair snow kissed skin.

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