"Hey Bee" her head snaps in my direction,

"Would you like to come with us?" I ask, her eyes light up for a second then she shakes her head,

"No it's ok, I don't wanna be a bother" she says looking down, I frown

"You're not a bother at all, come on Bee, it'll be fun I promise" she looks up smiling

"Ok I'll go" I smile

"Yes" Pewds celebrates causing us to laugh

~Time skip~
I'm in the living room with Bee and Peter while we wait for Wade and Pewds to get ready, they're taking FOREVER!
Finally they come out at the same time.....damn Pewds looks to sexy in those jeans, he smiles innocently at me, I walk to him and kiss his passionately, I feel him smile and I pull back

"You look SO hot babe" I say smirking causing him to blush, he hits my shoulder playfully,

"Shut up" I laugh and grab his hand

"Ok guys we ready to go?" Peter asks holding Wades hand,

"Yepp lets go" I say and we make our way out, then Pewds phone went off, he answers it


"Oh yeah I'm fine, just uh, watching some TV, how's the trip?" Who's he talking to?

"R-really, that's uh, that's great"

"Ok, ok love you too, bye" I felt a pain in my chest when he said "I love you"

"W-who's that?" I ask nervous for his answer, is he cheating on me? Did he lie when he said he loved me? So many questions running through my head,

"It was just my Mom, don't worry about it Cry" he says smiling, I nod and grab his hand again, I trust him, he wouldn't lie to me,

"Ok lets go" Peter says then we leave the tower, I wonder what him and his Mom were talking about......

~Time skip~
Pewds' POV
Oh shit, oh shit I forgot all about my parents, they're coming back next week, and just abandoned the house! What if it got robbed?! What if it blew up?! Ok a bit of exaggeration there but still! What I'm I gonna tell them? Oh hey guys, I'm a superhero now and I'm living with The Avengers, see ya! Eughhh, first of all they'll never believe me, and second of all even if they did believe me, they wouldn't let me become a superhero!
They always wanted me to be like them, but the truth is I never wanna be like them, ok they earn a good amount of money, but that's not what I wanna do the rest of my life, I wanna help people, save the world
At least then I'd be making a difference, I'd finally be accepted for who I am, the only people who except me right now is The Avengers and the crew, and I'm thankful for that, jee I probably wouldn't even be here today if it wasn't for them, especially Cry, god I love him so much it hurts, I really wanna spend the rest of my life with him, I don't know what I'd do if I lost him, I wouldn't survive at all, he's helped me through so much, I just love him so much

"Hey....babe you ok?" I'm snapped outta my thoughts by Cry waving his hand in front of my face, with concern written all over his face, I smile and nod

"Yeah don't worry about it Cry" I simply say,

"No I will worry about it Pewds, you know you can talk to me right?" He says looking at bit hurt, I peck his lips

"Of course, it's just.....I'll tell you when we get back to the tower ok?" He smiles a bit and nods kissing my cheek

"Hey you guys! Hurry up!" Wade calls us from the entrance we run to them

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now