Samifer - Killer Instincts

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Lucifer sits in the front seat of the black 1967 Chevrolet Impala reading the newspaper in his hands. Slowly he turns with a wicked grin to face his partner in crime. Sam Winchester is sprawled out on the back seat. His plaid shirt stained in dried blood and smelling of gasoline.

"Check this out. They're calling us America's most infamous serial killers!" Lucifer chuckles pointing to the newspaper in his hand, however his face drops when he sees his companions despondent look "What's up with you?"

Sam glances up revealing his sorrowful eyes "nothing, just tired I guess"

"Alright" Lucifer says turning back around. He stares intensely at the newspaper, although he doesn't read a single word. The current state of his partner occupies all corners of his mind "Tell me what's wrong Sam"

"Baby you know I love you right?" Sam points out and Lucifer nods "but I'm tired of all of this"

The black look on Lucifer's face makes Sam gulp. This is a conversation that's been a long time coming, but that doesn't make it any less difficult. Lucifer narrows his eyes at Sam "What do you mean tired of it all? Tired of killing people? Are you tired of me now is that it? You've had your little fling and now what-"

"-no Lucifer never. You're everything to me. There's no one I'd rather go on a killing spree with"

"Then what is it?"

Sam bites his bottom lip feeling rather uncomfortable "Luci... I'm tired of running. All my life I've been running from something. I just want it all to end"

"Dammit Sam" Lucifer says smacking his fist against the side of the car.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do it anymore, I just can't. I'm done" Sam looks down at his hands in shame. Lucifer is the last person he'd ever want to hurt.

"You know as soon as you stop running they're going to catch you right? Why do you think we're sleeping in your brothers old car in a secluded part of the woods?"

"I know and that's why I'm going to turn myself in tomorrow" Sam admits casting his gaze over to Lucifer.

"I'm sorry what? Turn yourself in?" Lucifer questions in disbelief.

"Like I said I'm done running. I can't do this anymore" Sam replies as tears well in his eyes. His companion sees Sam's sad expression and climbs onto the back seat and straddles his hips.

"Alright Sam. You wanna turn yourself in... then I guess I'm turning myself in too"

"Really?" Sam queries with a spring of hope in his voice.

"Yeah I was getting kinda bored anyway. Besides it's no fun slitting someone's throat without you by my side" Lucifer smirks and leans down pressing his lips onto Sam's.

Sam slides down further on the back seat kissing Lucifer harder. He brings his hands up running them up and down Lucifer's waist. In turn Lucifer uses one hand to ruffle Sam's long brown hair whilst the other works on the button on his jeans. Lucifer starts grinding on Sam so their tips brush past each other. Sam's dick rises pressing right into Lucifer's inner thigh. Smirking Lucifer starts sucking on Sam's bare neck causing the Winchester to moan. Sam reaches down and helps Lucifer pull his jeans down; accompanied by his boxers.

Now finally his throbbing cock is out in the open. Lucifer bends down and teasingly parts his lips. He presses his parted lips down onto the tip of Sam's dick and traces around the top of it with his tongue. Sam groans in frustrated delight. Lucifer starts enthusiastically sucking. He pauses every now and again to flick his eyes up at Sam who's trying to hold on for as long as possible. After what seems like forever Lucifer feels Sam tugging at his hair, a sign of what is to come... literally. Lucifer always swallows, but Sam has always given him fair warning. Finally Sam releases right into his lovers mouth. Without hesitation Lucifer swallows the mouth full. Sam collapses in a heap on the back seat whilst Lucifer pulls his pants and boxers back up. Lucifer crawls back up to his companion lying down on his chest, straddling him yet again.

"Fuck you're so good at that" Sam announces breathlessly "I'm really gonna miss that when we're in the joint"

Lucifer remains silent as he rubs circles in Sam's wide chest with his index finger. Sam doesn't notice as silence is a common thing between the two of them.

"Sam, since this is our last night together, can I ask you something?" Lucifer finally speaks out.

"Yes of course" Sam replies cupping his partners face in his hand.

"Do you miss him?"

"Miss who?" Sam asks raising an eyebrow, although deep down inside he fears he already knows the answer.

"You know who I mean. Your brother"

"Do I miss Dean?" Sam questions as he tries to process all these suppressed emotions that are now beginning to surface "Yeah I miss him every single day"

"You loved him didn't you?"

"Of course I loved him. Dean w-was... well Dean was my brother a-and he's all I had in life; until I met you that is"

"You loved him more than you love me right?" Sam remains silent seemingly lost for words "It's alright Sam. I know how much he meant to you"

Sam still doesn't say a word. Tears fill his eyes again trying to find any way to escape, but Sam won't let them. Lucifer rests his head on Sam's chest feeling calmer after hearing his steady heart beat and the continuous rise and fall of his chest.

"I'm sorry Luci" Sam says as a solitary tear manages to escape and roll down his face.

"For what?"

"I'm sorry for forcing all of this on you. If you don't wanna turn yourself in then I understand and I'll still love you just the same and-"

"-Sam you're not forcing anything on me alright? This has been a long time coming. We've had our fun together. We've killed and made love then killed some more. It's been a good life. I think we should quit whilst we're ahead"

"Remember that family in St Louis?" Sam comments with a small smile.

"Oh you mean that guy who looked like Mick Jagger and his wife? Boy she was a screamer, but she lasted a long time. She didn't quit howling until we pulled her intestines out!"

"Yeah that was a good night"

The pair fall silent again. Lucifer is the first one to speak up "you mean everything to me Sam. Life wasn't worth living without you and it won't be when you're gone"

"Hey you never know maybe they'll put us in the same prison" Sam sniggers. There was no chance of that happening. Lucifer lifts himself up so he's now looking down at Sam. There's a sadness in his eyes that Sam has never seen before.

"I'm sorry Sam" Lucifer says. His heart skips a beat. Without any warning he strikes. A small dagger plunges into Sam's chest. Lucifer lowers himself down closer to Sam's face. Sam's eyes are wide and his mouth is wide open as if he's trying to say something. Lucifer puts his mouth next to Sam's ear and whispers "go be with your brother Sam".

As Lucifer pushes himself back he can see Sam struggling to breath. He wanted this to be as quick and as painless as possible. So Lucifer leans down again placing a kiss on Sam's forehead. As the dying Winchester breathes out his last breath Lucifer hears him mutter something. Sam either just said "damn you" or "thank you". Preferring to think the latter Lucifer wipes away his tears with his blood stained hands. The moment Sam said he was done he knew that was it. Lucifer loves Sam too much to see him go down in history as the one that got tired and gave in. Shakily Lucifer climbs back on to the front seat smearing Sam's blood onto everything he touches.

For a moment he just sits there soaking up the silence of the night then without looking back he opens the impala door and gets out. As he slams the car door shut behind him a wave of grief washes over him. To a normal person he's a maniac who's passion for taking life is so strong he even kills the one he loves most, but Lucifer doesn't see it that way and he knows Sam wouldn't have either. Killing Sam was the nicest thing Lucifer has ever done for anyone. Not daring to look back at the corpse of his beloved lover he briskly walks away deeper into the forest.

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