Sabriel - For Old Times Sake

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Sam adjusts his cuff links as he walks into Dean's hotel room unannounced. Dean grunts as a way of acknowledging his little brothers presence. He's too preoccupied with checking himself over in the mirror. Sam rolls his eyes laughing to himself quietly then slumps down on to the bed. For several minutes he watches his older brother fussing over his appearance. Sam has never seen Dean so nervous before! Who can blame him though? Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day.

"Dean you look fine" Sam finally says standing up and making his way over to Dean's side.

"You think so?" Dean asks, although Sam knows it's more of a rhetorical question "Yeah I do look pretty damn good don't I"

"Are you ready now?" Sam chuckles supportively gripping his brothers shoulder.

"Yeah almost. I just need my... damn it!"

"Dean what is it?" Sam questions out of concern as Dean frantically looks all around the room in a state of slight panic.

"Dude where are my cuff links?!" Dean exclaims as his breathing becomes more shallow by the second.

"Hey Dean, don't panic, it's okay" Sam tells him in an effort to calm him down "when did you last see them?"

"I-I don't know. I might have taken them downstairs last night to show Bobby" Dean replies running his hands through his hair.

"Good, okay well you stay here and I'll go find them, don't panic" Sam says as he walks towards the door "you stay here and fix your hair"

As Sam exits the room Dean mumbles to himself. What does Sam mean about his hair? He goes to the mirror and soon realises what his little brother meant. Dean's gelled hair  is sticking up on all sides like he has been pulled through a hedge backwards.

"Son of a bitch" Dean curses as he races into the bathroom.


Sam walks through the hotels reception area and enters the bar area. It's where many guests wait and have a drink whilst they wait. The young Winchester heads over to the place him and the other wedding guests were all sat last night. Sam frowns as he can't see any sign of the cuff links. This doesn't seem to deter him as he takes the initiative to go up to the bar and ask if anyone has handed in a pair of cuff links in a little black box. The bar tender nods and informs him they were found by one of the cleaners. Sam smiles gratefully as the young man heads in back to go find them.

"Well you always were the brains of the operation Sam"

Sam, who's leaning up against the bar, turns towards the voice. His face drops slightly and his eyes grow wider "Gabriel?"

"The one and only" Gabriel smirks "how have you been Sam?"

"Fine I guess, same as always, you?"

"Same old Sam Winchester" Gabe mutters to himself "I'm good thanks"

"So when did you get here?" Sam queries trying to not let the conversation run dry.

"Oh early this morning. Cas did tell you I was going to be his best man right?" Gabriel raises his eyebrow waiting for a response.

"Yeah of course he did" Sam replies just as the bar tender comes back with the cuff links.

"Here you go" The bar tender smiles handing Sam the small box.

"Thank you so much" Sam adds before turning back to Gabriel.

"Has Dean got any pre-wedding nerves?"

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