Destiel - It's A Kind Of Magic

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(Idea is based off the TV show Merlin with Colin Morgan and Bradley James)

"Cas! Where's my sword?!" Dean yells as he adjusts his chain-mail shirt.

"J-just give me one second Sire!" Cas shouts back as the sound of metal colliding with the floor echoes down the hallway of the great castle.

"Dear Lord, he can be so utterly useless at times" Dean mumbles under his breath and rolling his eyes. Striding over to the door he flings it open just as Cas stumbles through the doorway with his hands full of armour. He bumps right into Dean sending everything clanging to the floor.

"Sire I'm so sorry. I-I didn't see you I-"

"-Really Cas it's fine" Dean sighs as he picks up his sword from the pile of armour on the stone floor. After placing it down on his table he returns to help Cas collect what remains of the armour.

"Oh Sire you don't have to do that" Cas says as he carries it all over to the table.

"Cas would you quit calling me Sire. You make me feel like I'm the king" Dean informs him as Cas starts to put the rest of his armour on him.

"But Sire you will be King one day. You're next in line for your father's throne" Cas adds as he places the large metal breast plate over Dean's chest.

"I know that and when I do become king I'll have many years of people calling me Sire, Your Majesty and Your Royal Highness, but until then I'm just-"

"-Prince Dean?"

"Yes I'm a prince, but my name's Dean. Just call me Dean"

"Oh no Sire it wouldn't be right of me to call you by your first name. I'm merely your servant"

"You're more than a loyal servant Cas"

"I-I am?"

"Yes of course you are. There's no one I trust more than you, except perhaps my little brother, but he's too young to understand a lot of things"

"Prince Sam is only 15, but he's very wise for his age"

"Very true, but I can't talk to Sammy about certain things"

"Such as?"

"Well... such as... matters of the heart"

"Do you have your eye on someone Sire?" Cas questions completely oblivious to his masters strong gaze upon him.

"Yes I do. I have my eye on them every single day as a matter of fact" Dean replies continuing to watch his servant fix his armour.

"Who is this lucky maiden then? A lady of noble birth or perhaps one of the maids who work in the castle?" Cas asks calmly. If Dean had perhaps paid very close attention he might have heard the slight crack in his servants voice.

"No neither of them. In fact not a maid at all"

"Oh so a man servant?"

"This doesn't bother you Cas?"

"Does what bother me Sire?"

"That I should chose a man over a woman?"

"Not at all Sire. My father brought me up on the principle that everyone is different and therefore we mustn't judge when someone reveals their differences to us. If you are different by liking men rather than women then I cannot ever judge you for that Sire" Cas admits trying to hide his reddening cheeks and grabbing Dean's belt off the table.

"Thank you Cas" Dean replies trying to keep his heart rate low as Cas fiddles with the buckle on his belt "S-so um are you going to watch me in the tournament today?"

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