Sabriel - Bless You

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"Sam, hunny are you okay?" Gabe shouts, but receiving no reply he carefully makes his way up the stairs, with a cup of coffee in each hand.

The freezing wind whistles outside as the sleet rains down from the Heavens above. It's the middle of December and the weather is just getting worse. A slushy mixture of snow, ice and dirt covers the roads in a horrible brown blanket. People stand outside like mindless zombies scraping the ice off their car windows. The fact it's only Tuesday seems to weigh down on all of them, knowing the week has only just started, makes them sigh. Their breath cascades out of their mouth like a mist; reacting with the cold air around them.

Gabe considers himself very lucky to be inside on a day like today. Being his own boss means he can do whatever the hell he wants. Today he's decided not to risk venturing out into the below freezing temperatures and stay nice and warm indoors. Another loud sneeze followed by a few small coughs echoes off the walls as Gabe approaches the bedroom. Keeping a close eye on the coffee cups he pushes the door open with his hip. Discarded tissues lie scattered all over the carpeted floor. A very ill looking Sam Winchester lies in bed. His skin is so pale; apart from his nose which is red raw from him constantly sneezing and wiping it. He leans his head back and closes his eyes finding that he just doesn't have the energy to keep them open.

"Hey I brought y-"


"-Thanks Hun" Sam sniffles gratefully taking the warm cup out of Gabe's hand. As he tries to sit up a little better in bed he grimaces slightly as his muscles ache from the sudden movement.

"Sam I don't think you'll be able to go into work today" Gabe tells him as he presses his palm onto Sam's burning forehead.

"I know" Sam replies with a sigh "but I need to. If we want to visit Dean next summer we're going to need all the money we can get!"

"Yeah and I know how much you've been looking forward to seeing Dean, but I doubt he'd want you to go into work when you're like this. You can barely keep your eyes open Hun"

"I just feel awful for not going in. Charlie and Kevin are gonna have to share my work load for the day"

"And Charlie and Kevin are both clever little nerds like my husband so I'm sure they'll manage without you for one day"

"You really don't think I should go in do you"

"No I don't think you should go in. Besides I've already called in to tell them you're sick so you really can't go in"

Sam softly smiles at his husband. Gabe lies down in bed as Sam crawls over to him resting his head on his chest. Delicately Gabe combs his fingers through Sam's long brown locks. For a few moments the couple lie there in absolute bliss. They feel as if nothing could ever ruin this moment... except Sam sneezing... again!


Sam jolts up and sneezes once more. His dry throat seems to make matters worse as a violent coughing fit erupts from his mouth. Gabe slides over and places his hand on Sam's back rubbing circular patterns on it in an attempt to soothe him. Once the coughing ceases Sam flops back down on to the bed and lets out a tired frustrated groan.

"Uhhh I'm so ill. I hate this"

"I know Hun, it's awful when you feel like this, it's even bad just watching you go through this. If I could I'd take it all away and make you feel better" Gabe tells him placing his hand on Sam's thigh.

Sam smiles at the kind words and takes a hold of Gabe's hand in his own "You are making me feel better just by being here"

"Come on let's get you into bed properly then. We have to keep you nice and warm" Gabe says lifting the duvet up and allowing Sam to climb inside it.

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