Megstiel - The Pizzaman and The Babysitter

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The night air is hot and humid. An eerie sense of trouble yet to come lingers in the air like a bad odour. Along a wide serpentine road an almost insignificant little rock lies still and unmoved. That is until there is a small tremor in the ground. Followed by another one then another one. Gradually the ground starts to shake more and more. A tiny fracture in the road opens up right next to the rock. As the mini earthquake continues the crack becomes wider.

If anyone was around they might have heard the faint roar of a raging inferno or they might have witnessed the road being torn apart like a piece of paper. Certainly, if anyone had been there, then they would have seen the dark menacing black cloud arise from the large gash in the dusty road and fly off into the night sky.

The ground settles and the orange glow that erupted from the gap finally fades away. Everything returns to how it was before as if no such supernatural event had just taken place.


Cas sighs as he flicks through the pages of a decrepit brown book, although if truth be known he's paying no real interest to the words on the page. How can he when there's all this noise? The Winchester's, the only true family he knows he'll ever have, are arguing yet again. It amazes the Angel how the two fully grown men before him are the heroes who stopped the Apocalypse and saved the world more times than anyone will ever know. These saviours of the world are arguing right at this very moment over who had the last of the coffee...

"Dean when I got my coffee this morning there was still some left in the pot!" Sam exclaims at his older brother.

"There wasn't any when I got there!" Dean argues back with his arms folded tightly across his chest.

"Well I didn't take it!"

"It has to be you Sam, because Cas doesn't drink coffee!"

"Dean, I'm telling you for the last time, I didn't touch your damn coffee!"

"Who took it then huh? Who could have possibly taken the last of the coffee? Come on Stanford tell me who it could have been 'cause there's only us 3 in this bunker!"

"The freakin fairies Dean! They must have taken it, because I sure as hell didn't!"

"My God! Seriously man just admit it, if you took the last of the coffee! I'm not even mad that you took it"

"Not that mad huh? Could've fooled me!"

"Excuse me?!"

Cas rolls his eyes at the bickering brothers. As much as he loves them he can't help but get frustrated with them sometimes. Although he has lived on Earth for many years there are still many human interactions and everyday rituals which dumbfound him.

Suddenly his phone starts vibrating in his trench coat pocket. Neither Sam or Dean take any notice of it as their fight over their morning coffee continues. With the confrontation appearing to be nowhere near at its end Cas picks up his phone and makes his way into the kitchen.

"Hello?" Cas greets as he answers the call from an unknown number.

"Damn you sound just as sexy as the last time I heard your voice" a young woman answers.

"Who is this?" Cas questions raising an eyebrow.

"Oh I'm sorry unicorn, different meat suit different voice, I'm the babysitter"

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