Samifer - I Hate You, I Love You

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"I said turn it down you idiot! I'm on the phone!" Sam screams at the top of his lungs as loud music blasts throughout the house; shaking the walls. He rolls his eyes as he slams the kitchen door shut drowning out some of the sound.

"Sammy, if he makes you so mad, why do you chose to stay with him?" Dean's voice sounds throughout the speaker in the phone Sam's holding up to his ear.

"Cause I love him. Yeah he can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but so can I" Sam replies defending his boyfriend of 7 months.

"It doesn't seem like love to me. All he does is push your buttons and wind you up like a clock. He's no good for you man" Dean insists. For months now he's been trying to get his little brother to leave his boyfriend, however he never does. The couple constantly fight and throw sarcastic remarks at one another.

"You're making it sound like we're always at each other's throats Dean!" Sam exclaims as he tries to compete with the music which seems to have gotten louder.

"But you are! Look I know I say this to you every time, but my offer still stands. If you eventually do dump his sorry ass then you come to my apartment or ring me and I'll come get you" Dean tells him as he places his cold bottle of beer to his head. All this stress is giving him a headache.

"Alright Dean, good night" Sam softly sighs.

"Good night Sammy" Dean inevitably replies before hanging up.

"Lucifer for the last time turn down that damn music!" Sam shouts in anger as he clenches his fists. Finally the music cuts out. Sam sighs with relief as he sits down on one of the breakfast bar stools in his tiled kitchen. The brief silence is soon interrupted by a dull thumping sound that increases more and more in volume. Suddenly the door swings open and in walks Lucifer wearing a scowl on his face. He immediately spots his boyfriend sat with his extra long legs spread apart.

"Close your legs you whore" Lucifer says as he makes his way over to the fridge.

"And here was me thinking you liked it when I opened my legs for you" Sam replies sarcastically as he watches his boyfriend like a hawk. Lucifer huffs closing the fridge door rather harshly as he can't find what he's looking for.

"Where the hell's the whipped cream?" Lucifer questions in an accusing tone stomping back over to Sam.

"I threw it out" Sam tells him bluntly.

"You what? There was like half a can left!" Lucifer shrieks in frustration as runs his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

"It was contaminated" Sam replies not taking his eyes of his angry boyfriend.

"No it wasn't. What do you mean? It doesn't go out of date for months!" Lucifer argues pacing the floor trying to walk off his ever growing annoyance.

"It got contaminated the minute you put your mouth around the nozzle and squirted it into your mouth!" Sam points out resting his elbows on the counter behind him and grins wickedly.

"You can be a real prick sometimes, you know that right?" Lucifer tells him as he rests his hands on his hips "A really fucking hot prick. Dammit it you're so annoyingly good looking Sam, it's not fair!"

Sam chuckles licking his bottom lip watching his boyfriend with great pleasure. Lucifer's mouth drops open slightly at the sight as he edges closer towards Sam. Slowly he makes his way over to Sam as if he were a mindless slave. Just as Lucifer reaches Sam's knees he closes his legs shut and fold his arms.

"Nope, you're not getting any tonight" Sam informs him in a serious tone.

"You're such a tease Samuel" Lucifer adds resting his hands on Sam's thighs, however Sam jolts up and moves away from him "Seriously?!"

"I asked you so many times to turn down the music Luci, but you didn't listen to me" Sam mutters bitterly.

"You're blaming me? You threw out the whipped cream!" Lucifer moans pointing to the whipped cream free fridge.

Sam just stares at him for a moment before saying "Enjoy sleeping on the couch tonight asshat"

Lucifer's eyes grow wide at the thought of having to sleep on the uncomfortable couch on his own. Sam has started to walk towards the door, but before he has a chance to open it Lucifer has dived in front of him. The close proximity of their bodies causes Sam to walk away from the door. Right now he's too pissed off at his boyfriend to let him anywhere near him.

"Sam, come on, babe you and I both know there are worse things we've said and done to each other. Let's just forget about the music-" Lucifer starts to say.

"-And the whipped cream-" Sam adds.

"-Yeah and that... Look babe the point is that we fight a lot, okay? We can both admit that we tease each other a lot more than most couples, but that's what makes our relationship so special. I mean who else is going to be turned on by their other half throwing out their whipped cream?" Lucifer explains creeping closer and closer towards Sam "You sat there with your legs wide open inviting me in... well it was really fucking hot Sam. It turned me on. I always have liked it when you take control"

Sam can't fight his feelings any longer as Lucifer pushes him back onto the stool he was on before. Lucifer grasps Sam's legs and opens them up creating a gap for himself to fit inside. Sam clenches his knees together so they're pressing down hard against Lucifer's hips. Hands begin to trace along any bare skin on show. The young Winchester cups his boyfriends face with his hands. Lucifer leans in closer to Sam's chest. Sam can't resist his urges any more as he attaches their lips. The tingling sensation inside their mouths turns both of their stomachs over in pure delight. Lucifer begins to unbutton Sam's plaid shirt, then he attempts to heave the sleeves off Sam's muscular arms, all whilst continuing their passions filled kiss. After much effort he finally managed to fling the shirt on to the ground. Sam proceeds to leaving sloppy wet kisses on the dirty blonde's neck. Lucifer looks down in triumph at Sam's chest only to find no bare torso. Instead he sees a white vest top covering his boyfriends rock hard abs. Rolling his eyes he grasps the thin material and pulls it over Sam's head.

"There much better" Lucifer comments placing both his hands on Sam's chest as if they were metal being attracted to a magnet "I'm sorry about before babe"

"Me too" Sam replies "wait, I got something for you, but you can't have it until you've taken your shirt off"

Lucifer doesn't need telling twice as he practically rips his shirt off his body. Sam walks over to the fridge and begins searching for something. Having captured his curiosity Lucifer makes his way over. As he approaches Sam shuts the fridge door and turns around with his hands behind his back.

"Sam, what have you got behind your back?" Lucifer asks warily.

"Close your eyes" Sam orders with a smirk.

Lucifer raises an eyebrow at him, but does as he says. He can hear Sam doing something which only adds to his paranoia, however when he opens his mouth to speak he finds he can't. Something light, fluffy and sweet fills his mouth. Lucifer swallows and opens his eyes at the realisation of what it is.

"Whipped cream! I thought you threw it out?" Lucifer questions in shock.

"I did. This is a new one" Sam chuckles.

Lucifer feels himself growing tighter in his pants. Never before has a more beautiful combination been thought up of. He grabs Sam by the hand and drags him out of the kitchen.

"Babe where are we going?" Sam queries in confusion.

"You, me and that can of whipped cream have a date in our bedroom!" Lucifer exclaims leading the charge down the hallway.

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