Samifer - Fifty Shades Of Blood

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"Is my bunk buddy ready for another day of fun filled torture?" Lucifer exclaims with a wicked grin "Sammy, where are you? It's no fun if you don't come out and play with me!"

The devil glances around looking for his play toy. The young Winchester has been his only source of entertainment in this god forsaken cage; literally. Michael lost the plot a while ago and hasn't really been the same since. Supposedly Heaven's most fearsome warrior and yet he was beaten by 2 brothers, an angel and an old drunk. Not that Lucifer can say much considering he too was beaten by them. He gasps as his eyes flicker in the burning flames that lash at the sides of the cage. Finally he's found his favourite toy. Not that it took very long. The cage is pretty small!

Lucifer finds Sam sat motionless in the corner. His back is leaning against the bars of the cage; his knees have been brought up to his chest and his arms rest on top of them. To the untrained eye Sam looks perfectly normal. There's not a single scratch on his face (mainly because Lucifer heals him ready for a new day of torture), but his big sad eyes tell a different story.

"There you are!" Lucifer says clapping his hands together gleefully. Sam doesn't even flinch. Instead he glances over to the devil with a blank expression on his face, but his puppy dog eyes betray his facade "Oh Sam I'm going to have to beat that cuteness out of you. Again with the eyes. Man you're a tough one to break!"

The archangel has to admit it; the Winchester really has got a lot of spirit in him! Day in and day out Lucifer finds some new way to torture him. When they first got dragged down here Lucifer and Michel were both so pissed that they just took it out on Sam physically for years. Time moves a lot differently down in Hell so what may only be a few months up top is years down in this pitiless cage. Michael soon became disinterested and went a little crazy, but Lucifer never gave up. Something about Sam keeps him coming back for more. Lucifer despises humans. To him they're these pathetic weak creatures, but this one human sat down in front of him is relentless. Everyday, sure he screams out in pain, but he just keeps on fighting. That's what Lucifer finds so intriguing... Sam's always just waiting for the next round.

"Bite me Lucifer" Sam mutters bitterly.

"Your wish is my command" Satan replies with a smug grin.

"Why don't you just get on with it" Sam tells him with a sigh "What have you got planned today huh? You gonna make an imaginary Dean appear and tell me he hates me? You gonna make me watch Jess burn again? Put me in a room full of clowns? Skin me alive? Like that one never gets old! Or are you gonna come up with something new like making me watch my brother die? If so I got a news flash for ya, your brother Gabriel already beat you to that one!"

"You know I've never really been one for copying someone else's work" The devil replies folding his arms over "I guess I could just beat the crap out of you. I've not done that in a while"

Sam gets up off the ground and towers over Lucifer. There's only a few inches different in height, but that seems to make all the difference. The archangel looks over the young Winchester's entire body.

"You're the perfect vessel for me Sam. I wasn't lying to you when I said you're my one true vessel. Yes you certainly are one of a kind Sammy" Lucifer adds brushing his hand across Sam's back as he prowls around him like a lion would his prey.

"It's Sam"

"You're mighty touchy today aren't you!"

"I think it's the other way around!" Sam points out gesturing to Lucifer's hand that's grasping Sam's arm.

A wave of anger suddenly overpowers the devil as he connects his fist with the Winchester's jaw causing him to stumble back a few paces. As Sam tries to regain control of himself Lucifer brings another fist down on him. He clasps his knees bringing a hand up to touch his swollen face as the devil kicks him in the stomach; sending him crashing to the floor. Tirelessly Lucifer continues to kick and punch at the fallen mass on the ground.

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