Sabriel - The Candy Man Can

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"And don't come back until you've got some proper food, bitch!"

"Jerk" Sam mumbles as he slams the door shut on his older brother, Dean's face. He sighs as he heads back down the street he'd just walked down moments ago. It was Sam's turn to do the grocery shopping this week and apparently 'rabbit food' just isn't going to cut it for a 'warrior' like Dean! So now Sam has been sent to the candy store on behalf of his brother. Sam mutters under his breath, as he turns round the corner, about how Dean should watch his calorie intake. Finally he stops outside of a shop called Candy Heaven. Sam passes the shop on his morning run everyday, but he's never actually step foot inside before.

Upon entering the shop the sweet sickening scent of every kind of sugary treat overpowers his nose. It's been years since Sam so much as touched a piece of candy let alone ate any. The younger brother starts to make his way around the store browsing the wide variety of colourful junk food that's on offer, but he has absolutely no idea what to buy Dean and he doesn't what to get him the wrong thing in case he gets sent back out again.

"You look a little lost. The health store is just a few more doors down" Sam looks around to see where the mysterious voice came from. He finds a man with a severe height disadvantage to him. The man appears to be an employee as he's wearing a blue vest with a name tag that reads 'Gabriel'.

"I'm in the right store thanks" Sam replies defensively pretending to be busy looking at the chocolate bars on the shelf.

"So you mean to tell me a gorgeous hunk like you is in here looking for candy? I don't buy it. You gotta be buying for your girlfriend right?" Gabriel comments as he takes a bite of the red strawberry lace in his hand.

Sam, who had been previously looking at the floor, glances up at him in disbelief "I don't even know where to begin correcting that sentence"

"Try me" Gabriel replies clearly not willing to back down. This immediately catches Sam's attention as he quits his fake search for candy.

"You're right, I'm not in here buying candy for myself-" Sam starts to say.

"-I knew it. So who is she then?" Gabriel butts in taking another bite of the strawberry lace.

"No there's no girlfriend. There never was nor will there ever be" Sam admits trying to get his point across to Gabriel.

"Really? Well that's very interesting. Who are you in here for then if not for yourself?" Gabriel questions becoming more and more intrigued with his customer by the second.

"My brother. He's got a big sweet tooth and he'll eat just about anything, but if I go back with the wrong thing... he'll send me right back out again!" Sam tells him rolling his eyes at the thought of his painfully demanding brother.

"By any chance is he your big brother?" Gabriel queries and from a small nod of Sam's head he knows he's right "ha I know what that's like. Big brothers huh? Think they can just boss you about all the time, always seem to know what's best for you and treat you as if you were still 5 years old"

"Wow, that's the most accurate description of Dean I've ever heard!" Sam chuckles.

"My name's Gabe by the way and if you need help picking candy then there's only one person you can call" Gabriel tells him with a big grin.

"I'm Sam and who am I calling?" Sam questions as he follows Gabriel towards the back of the store.

"The Candy Man, Sammy-" Gabriel replies with his back towards his giant of a customer.

"-It's Sam" Sam points out.

"The Candy Man can find you any sugar filled food your heart desires!" Gabe announces as he turns around to face Sam, who clasps his hand to his mouth trying to hold back the laughter. Gabriel is stood before him wearing a big top hat equipped with a baby pink ribbon.

"Okay... Candy Man, can you find something for my big brother Dean?" Sam laughs as Gabe winks at him.

"I think I've got the perfect thing for him. Follow me!" Gabe exclaims opening a door with a sign saying 'Staff Only' on it. Sam walks through and finds himself in a dimly lit room full of cardboard boxes. As Gabriel walks past he intentionally smacks Sam on his ass. Sam's lips tighten as if he's sucking a sour sweet as he feels Gabriel's hand connect with his rear. Obediently he follows the frisky store employee further into what appears to be a storage room. The more he walks the harder it gets to see until eventually Gabriel disappears out of sight.

"Gabe? Where are you?" Sam shouts into the darkness.

"I'm right here!" Gabriel suddenly says coming up from behind Sam and taking the opportunity to smack his firm backside again.

"Don't do that" Sam warns him as he puts a hand to his wide chest trying to slow his heart rate. He's not sure why it's beating so fast, because Gabe didn't scare him that much.

"Don't do what?" Gabriel questions faking innocence. Sam shoots daggers across at the store assistant, seeing right through his little act.

"Is that the candy for Dean?" Sam asks pointing to the small box in Gabriel's hands.

"Yes it is. They're a new product that's not been put on the shelves yet" Gabe informs him "Pie flavoured jelly beans"

"You're kidding me!" Sam exclaims with a look of amusement.

"Why would he not like them? There's a bunch of flavours; apple pie, cherry pie, blackberry pie-" Gabriel explains with slight worry thinking he's done something wrong.

"-You've never met Dean before have you?" Sam asks with a smile.

"No, why? Should I have?" Gabriel replies.

"My brother loves pie. These are absolutely perfect for him!" Sam tells him "Well apparently the Candy Man can really find what your heart desires!"

"It's a pity I found your brother's hearts desire and not yours" Gabe mumbles looking down at the ground. As he stares at the dirty floor a pair of black running trainers come into view and he looks up to see their very tall owner towering over him.

"I think the Candy Man deserves more credit than he's giving himself" Sam whispers as he inches closer to Gabriel.

"Does the Candy Man get a reward for finding the right candy?" Gabriel cheekily questions as his ever wandering hands snake around Sam's waist and clamp down on his ass. Sam just smiles this time as he places his warm hand under Gabriel's chin and tilts his head until their eyes meet then Sam leans down.

"He most certainly does" is all Sam says before he closes the small gap and connects their lips.

On contact their passion ignites as Sam's giant paws tightly grip Gabriel's small waist. As their kiss continues it's quite clear Sam is the dominant force. This doesn't bother Gabriel too much, so it doesn't surprise him one bit when Sam squeezes his waist a little too hard, causing him to gasp. Sam then takes the opportunity to let his tongue explore Gabriel's mouth. They continue to move their lips in sync until their lungs start to burn from the lack of oxygen.

Gabriel sits down on the stack of boxes behind him as he attempts to regain control of his breathing. Sam gently takes the jellybean box from Gabriel's hands, then leans down again to leave a long kiss with a heavenly after taste on Gabe's lips.

"Hey Candy Man! I'll leave the money on the counter for the jellybeans!" Sam yells as he nears the front of the storage room.

"Y-yeah I'll be right there" Gabriel shouts back before muttering to himself "wow, oh boy, that was better than any candy I've ever tasted!"

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