Chapter Eleven ~Welcome, Brian!~

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I am back! It is time to see what Chica is up to!

Brian was in Parts and Services. Karma sat down in a chair. Brian noticed that she had some type of a bracelet on. It was purple, had a bunny charm on it, and it had a blinking red light on it. Eliza grabbed some rope and tied it around Karma. Eliza stood behind Karma as a tall figure entered the room.

"Ah! Nice job Circus Baby, Eliza, and Karma!" The figure praised the girls. Brian looked around. There wasn't a suit in here. But then again...they dragged the Circus Baby suit from another room for Cath. Would they do this to Brian?

"Aw! I see you brought him, girly!" A southern voice rang around the room. A female shut the door with a click and walked over to Brian.

"Ah. Chica! Yes, they have done their jobs well." The man said. Brian looked at the female human. She had bright yellow hair, violet eyes, and she had a pizza clip in her hair. She was wearing a fluffy dress with an apron. She reached into her apron pocket and pulled out a bracelet. It was yellow, it had a chicken charm on it, and a blinking red light. She put the bracelet on Brian's right wrist. It shocked Brian. Brian's body was twitching as it settled.

"He's such a cute one! I made an excellent decision!" Chica said as she smiled.

"Circus Baby, please place Brian on the floor and grab a chair. We need to get him...settled!" The man said.

"Yes Goldie. I am on it." Circus Baby droned as she set Brian down on the floor. She disappeared into the closet for a moment. Brian started to run to the door. As soon as he got a foot out the door, his body was delivered a shock. He fell to the floor. Circus Baby giggled as she picked Brian up. He groaned as he put in the chair and had rope tied around him.

"As much as this pains me to do, I have to do it. I can't have you running away!" Goldie said as he chuckled. Chica grinned creepily.

"Eventually, you will learn to love me. Hopefully that day is soon. Karma here learned how to love. She then went against her orders. That's when she got her punishment. Try being a good boy. Okay dear?" Chica asked. Brian nodded. Circus Baby stood behind Goldie and Chica. She was staring ahead of her. She wasn't moving except for blinking her metal green eyes.

"I hope you know that Chica does this out of love. Not just because we want to torture you guys!" Goldie said. He turned on his heels and left the room. Chica grinned and leaned down towards Brian.

"I really do love you, Brian." She said before she leaned in and sealed the remaining space between them with a kiss. She pulled away and blushed a bit. She left the room. Circus Baby screamed. She hit the ground. Her metal body was twitching badly. Brian and Karma looked over at her.

"C-can't escape this shell! It will be fine, Karma and Brian! Be safe! Be prepared! Be loyal to Bonnie and Chica! Echo and I are working on getting you out of here! I cAn't LiVe LiKe ThIs!!" Circus Baby gasped as she completely fell. Her metal body made a crashing sound. Brian and Karma shivered. That was so weird! What's happening to Circus Baby?

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