Chapter Seven ~I Will Avenge You Part 2~

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Eliza knew that losing someone close to you is hard. However losing your best friend must be very hard. She pushed the door open. She walked to the office. There was Rose, Brian, Mike, Jeremy, and Echo.

"Hey guys!" Eliza said. Everyone looked at her. She waved. Mike waved back. Jeremy was sitting in the spinny chair, Rose was sitting on the desk, Mike was leaning on the wall next to the right door, Brian was sitting on the floor, and Echo was looking out the window on the right side.
"Didn't Mr. Fazbear say we were getting a new co-worker?" Eliza asked. Jeremy nodded.

"Y-yeah. She isn't coming t-tonight. Tomorrow she w-will." Jeremy said. Eliza nodded. The phone rang and rang. Nobody bothered to pick it up knowing that it would go off by itself anyway.

'"Hello, hello? Hey you're doing great! Most people don’t last this long. I mean, you know, they usually move on to other things by now. I'm not implying that they died. Th-th-that’s not what I meant. Uh, anyway I better not take up too much of your time. Things start getting real tonight.
Uh... Hey, listen, I had an idea: if you happen to get caught and want to avoid getting stuffed into a Freddy suit, uhh, try playing dead! You know, go limp. Then there's a chance that, uh, maybe they’ll think that you're an empty costume instead. Then again if they think you're an empty costume, they might try to... stuff a metal skeleton into you. I wonder how that would work. Yeah, never mind, scratch that. It's best just not to get caught.
Um... Ok, I'll leave you to it. See you on the flip side!" Phone Guy said. Eliza looked at the clock. It was midnight. Great.

"We have those animatronics to worry about and then freaking Circus Baby!" Echo growled.

"Hey. We got this! None of us are dying tonight!" Eliza told Echo. Echo nodded and continued her lookout for the right door. Eliza was watching the right door. Bonnie was creeping up the hallway. Eliza slammed the door shut. Mike looked up from the tablet and walked over to Eliza.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked her. Eliza nodded. Mike smiled. He had fallen in love with the blonde haired girl. Eliza smiled back.

'And we would love you to join us for a bite' A female voice sang. Jeremy looked up nervously.

"Uh. Did a-anyone of y-you girls sing-g?" Jeremy asked. The girls shook their heads.

'Can't wait to meet you
So join the animatronic family
We open real soon
Try your best to hold on to sanity!' The voice sang again. Brian looked through the cameras. Circus Baby was standing in the Main Party Room. She was smiling and singing.

"Echo, it's Circus Baby singing. Don't lose your cool." Rose said. Echo nodded. As much as she would love to go and destroy Circus Baby, she didn't. Her friend was in that animatronic. Maybe Echo could get Cath's spirit to take over Circus Baby.

'Come get to know me
And you won't want to leave after tonight
Down here, we're lonely
And we would love ya to join us for a bite!' Circus Baby said. Brian stood up. Circus Baby had a very powerful voice. Echo stood up and tackled Brian to the floor.

"Don't leave! They will stuff you in a suit like they did to Cath!" Echo said. Brian then got an idea.
"Hey. Calm down there, Echo. I got to go to the restroom. I will go and be back." Brian promised. Echo didn't like how that sounded. What if he got kidnapped by Circus Baby or one of the others? Rose walked over and got Echo off of Brian. Brian said thanks and walked towards the restrooms.

'You've been through 2 long, frightful nights
You've seen their faces, felt all their bites
You know our show is so far from over
And Freddy told me you're an organ donor!' Circus Baby's voice got louder as Brian drew closer. He could see Circus Baby's outline. The giant animatronic humanoid turned around.

"Hello dear! How are you?" Circus Baby asked. Brian smiled.

"I am quite fine. How are you, Circus Baby?" Brian said. Circus Baby giggled.

"I am doing okay. Why are you not in the office?" Circus Baby asked. Brian blinked. 'Wait. Why am I not in the office?' Brian asked himself. Circus Baby smiled.

"I heard singing. I apologize. Aren't you supposed to kill me?" Brian asked. Circus Baby sighed.

"That's what I am supposed to do. However, I am new here to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Everyone says to kill the nightguards. I don't think that we should. I want to help save you guys. I was just singing so I could you get you out of the office. Chica is coming!" Circus Baby admitted. Brian stood there for a minute. Then two and two clicked.

"I should go! Thank you, Circus Baby!" Brian said. Circus Baby nodded. Brian was about to go back to the office when a hand clamped down on his shoulder. He looked up and Circus Baby smiled.

"You're welcome, Brian. Tell Echo I say hello. She isn't doing too well. I can tell. Now. Chica is in the kitchen. She is coming. Go on. Tell the others that they will be lured into traps. Warn them for me. Warn them for C-cath." Circus Baby glitched and then she resumed singing.

'All eyes are on you
We can walk you through our dark fantasy
Learn what we've gone through
We can teach you to laugh at tragedy!' Circus Baby winked as Brian smiled and ran down the hall. The left office door was closed. Brian banged his hand on it.

"It's me! Brian!" He said. The door flew open and a hand grabbed him and pulled him into the office.

Echo looked at Brian. She slapped him across the face. Brian fell to the floor.

"What the heck?!" Brian asked her. Echo crossed her arms. She sat down on the floor.

"What did Circus Baby say?" Rose asked. Brian retold the story. He added in how powerful her voice is and the warning.

"Wow. I-I can't believe that! Cath's spirit is somehow fighting Circus Baby!" Echo said. She felt happy. She might have to visit her tomorrow.

'You thought the nightmares
Ended back at Freddy's
We're all still right here
So let's get friendly!'

You Can't Leave ~A Five Nights at Freddy's Story~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن