Chapter Nine ~What I Want I Send You To Get Part One~

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Chica the Chicken sighed angrily as Mr. Fazbear walked to the kitchen. He was doing his daily inspection of the restaurant. Chica grunted unhappily. Mr. Fazbear came out of the kitchen. He had posters in his left hand and tape in his right hand. He walked over to the stage. He taped one of the posters on the wall by Chica. Chica watched as Mr. Fazbear went to the other side of the stage. He taped one poster by Bonnie and then continued to put up posters. The posters were of Circus Baby.

It said 'CELEBRATE!' and it showed Circus Baby smiling and waving. Chica looked at the bottom of the poster. It said, 'Circus Baby is a brand new animatronic humanoid that is new to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. She will be in the Circus Showroom. Circus Baby has the ability to make ice cream, blow up balloons, and much more. She is here.' Circus Baby was getting a spot in the pizzeria. Chica grunted. Freddy growled slightly. Chica instantly shut up.

Circus Baby was standing inside the Circus Showroom. The walls were decorated with a Circus theme. The tables were lined up perfectly. The walls had pictures of a lion tamer, merry go rounds, and ferris wheels. The tables had goodie bags. There was a stool in the back for a security guard to watch Circus Baby to make sure she doesn't go haywire. Circus Baby was powered off yet she knew her surroundings.

"Listen. I will work in the Circus Showroom, Mr. Fazbear. It won't be a problem. Plus, I have a way with these animatronics." A deep voice said. Circus Baby listened carefully. A rushed set of footsteps were heard.

"I will work in Circus Showroom. I have had a good history with Circus Baby." Echo said. Mr. Fazbear must have been thinking about this.

"Okay. Vincent, you can watch Circus Showroom later today. Echo, you can watch Circus Showroom for most of the day. We have three birthdays back to back today. One of those birthdays take place in Circus Showroom." Mr. Fazbear said. Echo sighed. Vincent grumbled something. "Now. Get to your positions." Mr. Fazbear growled. The door to Circus Showroom opened and then closed. Echo walked up to Circus Baby.

"Power on, Circus Baby." Echo said. Circus Baby jumped a bit and then settled. Her green eyes glowed, her face plates moved, and then she stopped moving. Circus Baby stood still.

"Hello Echo. How are you?" Circus Baby asked. Echo smiled. Cath must be speaking.

"I am fine, Circus Baby." Echo said.

"Oh please. Call me Baby. That's what everybody calls me. I have another message that I would like to tell you." Baby said. Echo looked into her green eyes. She gave a hand gesture that meant continue. Baby nodded.

"That Vincent man is a bad man. He's the murderer. He is helping Golden. If you can stop everybody's plans than you can bring Golden to an end. Do that for me please." Baby said. Echo nodded.

"Opening time! Echo, get Circus Showroom ready. Birthday time!" Mr. Fazbear yelled.

Vincent walked into the Main Party Room. He had to lure Brian to Chica tonight. That was Goldie's order. He sighed as he walked into the kitchen. Mr. Fazbear's cookers were placing a new pizza in the oven. A waitress, Wassabi, was standing there. She had a plate full of sodas, pizza, and a few coupons for the adults.

"Wassabi, that there tray needs to go to the Circus Showroom. Then send Jeremy in here. If you wouldn't mind." Mrs. Fazbear directed. Mr. Fazbear had his wife direct the kitchens.

"Hello Mrs. Fazbear!" Vincent said. Mrs. Fazbear whipped around. She smiled.

"Hello Vincent! How are you?" Mrs. Fazbear asked as she grabbed a rolling pin.

"Quite fine. I was wondering if you could tell me what you know about the animatronics?" Vincent asked. Mrs. Fazbear began rolling the flour.

"Of course I can! They have a main power box in their backs. It controls their voices and actions. Wait...aren't you the developer of the animatronics?" Mrs. Fazbear asked. Vincent nodded.

"Yes. I was just wondering if you had noticed anything unusual." Vincent said as he left. That's when he got an idea of how to lure Brian to Chica.

You Can't Leave ~A Five Nights at Freddy's Story~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora