Rangers and the Greatest American Pastime

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*Avis' POV*

Absolute mortification is the only way to describe how I could possibly be feeling at that very moment. The three rangers were staring at us expectantly, and Gilan looked more lost than anything. I could only pray Gilan didn't hear what I said about him. He'd never let me live that down, especially since we don't seem to be on friendly terms. I can't help but turn red as I avoid their gazes. Jacklyn closes her eyes and let's out a deep breath.

"Don't get to full of yourself, Will. So what if Avis thinks your eyes are dreamy? I think Manson has nice eyes as well." Jacklyn said, gesturing towards the ancient ranger snoozing under the shade of a tent, slight drool could be seen down his chin. Will opened his mouth to say something, hesitated as he glanced over at Manson, then closed his mouth. Jacklyn gave me a smug look and she stood, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards a random tent. We entered and pulled the flap closed, blocking us from their view.

"I've never wanted to stab out my own eyes before until now." I groaned. Jacklyn laughed.

"Aw, cheer up, it's not too bad! Once we get home, at least you'll never see them again." She said. I shrugged. I took my time to examine the tent. It seemed pretty classy for a ranger. It contained a cot, a table with a map, and some personal belongings. I noticed a pretty big stick in the corner, as if someone had been working on whittling.

"Hey, wanna take that stick and play some baseball?" I asked. Jacklyn followed my gaze and nodded.

"Definitely! We can teach the apprentices!" She exclaimed. I grabbed the stick, (I apologize to what ever ranger we're stealing from) and made my way out the tent. We just needed a ball and some teams now. To the left of us I noticed a few of the apprentices were playing some game with a leather ball where they kicked it about. It was a little big for a baseball, but I can't be picky. Jacklyn and I made our way over to them, stopping on the sidelines. I had our bat on my shoulder and we watched for a moment before the apprentices took notice to us.

"You're the girls that were riding Gilans horse this morning, right?" One kid asked. We nodded proudly.

"Wanna play a game? It's pretty simple, but we'll need your ball." Jacklyn said. There was about ten of them, so they shrugged and kicked the ball over to Jacklyn, who stopped it and picked it up.

"What's if called?" Sam, our poor concussed apprentice asked.

"Baseball. It's one of the games we play a lot back home." I said. Jacklyn and I began to set up the field, digging our feet into the dirt to indicate where the bases were. We gave a brief explanation which consisted of examples, and split the apprentices into teams. It was a pretty small game, but beggars can't be choosers. I started out as pitcher, and Jacklyn as batter. She held the makeshift bat in the typical batting stance. I threw the ball and it made a loud crack as it made contact with the ball. The ball went flying and Jacklyn began to run to first base. Sam chased after the ball and stood there holding it as Jacklyn ran.

"Sam! You have to throw it to someone to stop Jacklyn!" I yelled. Sam quickly followed orders, throwing the ball with such precise aim that only a rangers apprentice could have. Jacklyn slid into second base seconds before the apprentice caught the ball.

"Safe!" I called. Jacklyn stood and yelled encouragement to the next batter. He looked pretty nervous, so I decided to go easy on him, throwing an underhand ball that would be easy to bat. He swung, missing.

"Strike." I called. His brow furrowed, concentrating as I began to pitch my next ball. He hit this one. It didn't go far, but with Jacklyn screaming at him to run, he got to first base just in time and Jacklyn to third base. By now we had gained the attention of several rangers passing by. We had gathered a crowd of about fifteen rangers, speculating what we strange girls had put their apprentices up to.

    After a couple of minutes, Jacklyns team received their third out, and we switched fields. My team made their way home and I gathered them to me.

"Alright boys, we have the advantage here. Since they went first, you all got to see what exactly we're doing. Any questions?" I asked. They shook their heads. "I'll go first, ready?" They all nodded and we lined up. I stepped up to our makeshift plate and glared Jacklyn down. We may be friends, but this was war. She returned the glare, the glint in her eyes telling me she wouldn't spare me. I prepared myself as I saw her tense and throw a fast ball. I let it go, not even attempting to swing. I heard several of my teammates complain about my performance, but ignored them. I stared Jacklyn down, loosely holding the bat. She coiled up, ready to spring and I watched closely, swinging my bat just as the ball came to me. The resounding crack filled the clearing as it flew off into the distance. I began to run, knowing that my homerun would take a little bit for the apprentices to retrieve. I didn't even notice the loud cheering until I reached home plate. Glancing over, I noticed that almost all the rangers were gathering at the edge of the field and were cheering for me. My team welcomed me back with open arms, and I smirked Jacklyns direction.

"I'll get you next inning, Knight!" She said.

"In your dreams, Hall!" I retorted. She stuck up her chin and accepted the ball from an apprentice who had gone to fetch it.

    The game continued for another hour, with it ending at a score of 9 to 12. My team came out top in the last inning, when Sam hit a homerun, and three of the other apprentices were already on the bases. I think I screamed the whole time until they were all back at home. All of the rangers were present now, and were roaring with excitement. Jacklyn made her way over to me while the apprentices met with their masters to be congratulated.

"Good game." She said begrudgingly. I smirked.

"I think we've just converted the rangers into the American culture." I said as we watched the sea of green and gray jump with excitement. Jacklyn laughed and we made our way over to Brighton, who stood eyeing us curiously.

"You two get stranger and stranger every day." Brighton said. Jacklyn rolled her eyes.

"No. You guys are simply uneducated in the fine arts of America." Jacklyn said.

"I don't want to be that person, but it would be the perfect opportunity for someone holding a shotgun, wearing the American flag as a cape, and holding a bald eagle on their arm to storm in and say 'murica." I said. Jacklyn laughed at the image.

"We Americans are pretty conceded sometimes, aren't we?" She said. I nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to nod and pretend I understood what you just said." Brighton said nodding. I grinned.

"That's how I get through school." I said. Jacklyn chuckled at that then gestured to our "bat".

"I suppose we better return that before it's missed." She said. I nodded and we made our way though the throng of rangers and replaced our borrowed item.


Sorry it's been forever since I posted! So we thought it would be funny to show the Rangers some American spirit, and how better then to get them playing a game of baseball! I would have done football if I understood a lick of that game, but I don't. I hope you enjoyed it! And please don't get offended about the 'merica comment, this is literally my entire school, and we're total rednecks. No where near even half of the population of America is like that, but that is apparently how we're portrayed, not that I'm helping that image. Any who, byeeeeeee!!!!


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