We Ditch The Concussed

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*Avis' POV*

Oh my goodness. We are so dead! Well, mainly Jacklyn because she totally just attacked a Kings Ranger, but somehow Brighton and I will be involved.

"I think he's unconscious." Brighton said, coming to his senses. I set down the leather buckets and made my way over to the apprentice, kneeling beside him and examining his head for any wounds. He had a bump on the back of his head. Suddenly he groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Careful, you've sustained a blow to the head. No sudden movements or it will make you dizzy." I quickly explained. "What is your name?" I asked him.

"Sam." He said, slightly dazed. He slowly sat up with my help and held his head in his hands. "What happened?" I glanced up at Jacklyn, whose eyes widened and she quickly shook her head.

"Um...there was a thief. He attacked us and you scared him off, but he shoved you before running and you hit your head on a rock." I lied through my teeth. You owe me big time Jacklyn. Sam blinked several times, trying to remember such events.

"I better go tell the others. They'll want to make sure the thief is gone then." He said, kicking into ranger protection mode. I helped him stand and he wobbled for a bit before running back to camp.

"How could you just lie like that?" Brighton asked me. I shrugged.

"I don't know about you, but where we come from, attacking an officer is grounds for arrest." I said. Brighton stared st us in horror.

"You two are unbelievable." He said rolling his eyes. I smiled and nodded.

"And you are totally predictable, which is not a good trait for a future knight of the realm. I would fix that if I was you." I retorted. Brighton blushed and I quickly picked up those leather buckets and we headed back to the campsite. Gilan and Will were heading out as we came in.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"One of the apprentices came back from fetching water and said he had been attacked by a thief. Did you see anything?" Will asked. Jacklyn shook her head.

"He must have been further down stream then us." She quickly replied. They accepted our response and left us to make up camp. I glanced around and noticed half the Corp was gone, heading towards the site. Well crap. This could pose a problem. It was our stupidity against at least twenty five rangers. We are so dead.

"If they figure anything out, it was all Jacklyn's fault, okay?" I said turning to the other two. Brighton nodded in agreement, but Jacklyn glared at me.

"Way to throw me under the bus." She scolded.

"What's a bus?" Brighton asked.

"Not now Brighton. Just think of a stinky death trap with fifty people on it hurtling down streets at unbelievable speeds for you." I said casually. He rose an eyebrow and the three of us began to set up the tents and start a small cook fire under the supervision of Halt. Gilan and Will soon returned and the two of them eyed us suspiciously.

"Avis? Come here." Will called to me. I stood, brushing off my skirt and made my way over to the ranger. Once we were out of hearing range, he turned to me.

"Your lie was sloppy. There was four sets of footprints at the seance and no footprints retreating. Two sets of footprints are smaller then the others, proving that you and Jacklyn were there because no one else has girls shoes." I consciously glance down at my shoes.

"Okay okay! Jacklyn freaked and went ninja on the apprentice and knocked him unconscious. We panicked and Jacklyn pleaded with me not to tell. I knew it was a dumb lie, but I didn't have a lot of time to elaborate exactly the type of fabric our made up thief was wearing!" I spilled. Will smirked.

Rangers Apprentice: Forgotten RuinsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora