Recess And Imaginary Rocks

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*Jacklyn's POV*

I woke to the sound of quiet breathing and the weak rays of the rising sun. Getting up, I searched around for a moment for my glasses until my warm hand connected with the cold metal of the frames. Unfolding them, I put them on my face and blinked to let my eyes adjust to the sudden clarity.

Looking around the room, I came to the realization that I was the first one up. Huh, must be getting used to the time zone. Getting out of my nice warm bed, I nearly jumped straight back into it when my bare feet connected to the freezing cold stones of the floor. Hissing quietly to myself, I slowly stood on the floor before dashing to the trunk and grabbed a new dress for the day. As much as I wanted to, I resisted the urge to grab some spare cloths from my back pack and struggled into the dress. Honestly, these things were so constricting.

When that was done and over with, I walked to Avis's bed and gently shook her shoulder. After a few tries and many muttered words of protest, she woke up.

"Morning sleepy head," I greeted with a smile. She glared at me before flopping back onto the bed and groaned. "I shouldn't have done that." I looked at her curiously. "You shouldn't have done what?" She didn't look at me, but rather spoke through her pillow. "Flop back down. It hurt." I rose an eyebrow, well tried anyway. "Well aren't you a fragile flower."

She grumbled at me but continued to lay there like a bump on a log. Eventually she got up and slowly changed into a dress. Might have had something to do with me throwing it at her, might not. When that was done, I looked around the place, only seeing the dark forms of sleeping girls. Avis glared at me, I ignored her. She continued to glare at me and I looked at her with a question in my eyes. "Can I help you with something?" "Why did you wake me up when no one else is up?" I shrugged, "I didn't want to be the only one up." Avis huffed and laid back down on the bed, groaning as she did so.

Shrugging to myself, I went to where I had placed my back pack last night and took out my phone in its wood case trimmed with silver. Of course it was made of plastic, but it looked neat and the plastic was very expensive. Clicking the power button, I noticed that the time was 6:30 in the morning and took a guess that not everyone was up at the moment. Sitting on my bed, I fished around in my purse for my horrible-as-hay earbuds and put them into the phone. Since my phone was old-ish and used before I got it, I only had enough room for one game. And Skype and Wattpad. My life would not be complete without those.

Putting my earbuds in so as not to disturb the sleeping girls and a cranky as heck Avis, I started to play Blades of Brim. I had to stop a few times because one of the Flappers would swoop down and get me before I had time to react after I had just rolled into a Goon. Or my phone glitched and caused my character to move to slowly and get me squashed by a Crusher. Stupid giant Crushers. Before I knew it, everyone was up and moving about. Except Avis, she was still laying like a dead fish on her bed.

Taking out the earbuds, I wrapped them around my phone and put it back into my back pack. Getting off my bed, I went to Avis's side and gently shook her to make sure she hadn't fallen asleep again. An annoyed groan and an angry swat at my hand told me she was still awake. Making sure she got up this time, I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of bed, forcing her to stand.

Once that was done, I lead her to the door just as it swung open. Denise stood there staring at me and I stared back. "Morning," I say with a smile as I lead Avis behind me out the door and into the hallway. We eventually reached the Mess Hall. I honestly have no idea of it's called that or not, but that's what I'm calling it. We got our plates of food and sat down in the same place as yesterday.

Slowly, and I do mean slowly, the other wards filed in and started to talk and eat their breakfast. Amongst them was Brighton and Derrick, who sat down with us. Both of the boys pried at where we went yesterday, but Avis and I didn't tell them much and eventually, the gave up asking.

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