Medieval Highschool Is More Like Elementary

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*Jacklyn's POV*

I woke up to someone shaking me. In response, I curled deeper into my covers and snuggled further into my pillow. Only to reach the conclusion that it wasn't my pillow and not my blankets. How you might ask? Because I got a goose feather in the eye. Sitting bolt upright, I rubbed furiously to make the pain and the reflex tears go away."You wouldn't be doing that if you hadn't ignored me." It was a voice I didn't like at this time in the morning, one that said - I'm the boss and I don't care a flip about you since you are inferior to me. I couldn't see who it belonged to, just that it was vaguely familiar. Squinting and trying to open my eye, I saw a blurry figure wearing a white nightgown and messy blonde hair. My vision cleared to see one of the girls from last night. Was this one Arielle or Lesley? Don't know, don't really care.I must have been to silent to long for her because she sighed and pointed at the trucks that were placed in the front of each bed. "In there you will find some cloths, the same with your friend, once you've both changed you can come down to eat breakfast." At that, she left the room, leaving me with a lot of empty beds and a still-sound-asleep Avis.

Getting up, I walk over to her and shook her shoulder. That didn't work, so I did what I did last time. I punched her in the shoulder. She sat bolt upright, glaring at me. "Must you always do that?" I take a leaf out of the other girls book, "I wouldn't being doing it if you hadn't ignored me," I say sweetly.I tell her about the cloths as she gets out of bed. Once we open them, we simultaneously groan. "If this is a sign as to how our day is going to be, I might as well just jump out of the highest window now," I remark dryly.

In the trunks were, sad to say, simple, brown, woolen dresses. My favorite thing to wear. After spending what felt like ages just to get into them, we also dug in the trunk to find leather slippers as shoes and a few brown ribbons. "What are the ribbons for," I ask while inspecting one. "I think they are meant as hair-ties." I look at her and she felt the need to continue. "You know, to- I know what a hair-tie is." I finish bluntly. Electing to ignore the ribbons, we make our way out the door and somehow find our way to where everyone else is at by the sound of loud voices.

To put it plainly, it was awful. If any of you had the feeling of deep burning embarrassment when your the center of attention, you know how me and Avis feel at the moment. Every eye was on us and it didn't help that we just stood in the doorway not knowing what to do. "Jacklyn, look over there," Avis whispered whilst tugging on my sleeve and directing my attention to a a few people who haven't noticed our arrival. They were in line and getting food. Oh food, glorious food! Yes I know that's from Ice Age 2- I watch lots of movies, deal with it.Avis lead the way to the food and we both did our best to ignore all the stares. We mimicked the people in front of us, who sadly by now have noticed us and are now staring as well.

Once we had our plate of food, we looked around for a place to sit. Gosh, the medieval version of lunch at high school. It's scary than it sounds, trust me.I eventually spotted a few seats open at the end of a table, and by end I mean very end. We walked over and sat down with our head low and eyes on our plates. "Have they stopped staring at us yet?" Avis whispered. I quickly glanced around and slightly shook my head. "No. One guy did- oh, wait. Yeah he's staring again."We slowly ate our food, which wasn't that bad considering it was 1400 past its expiration date. If food had expiration dates then, or is it now? I'm just going to stop before I confuse myself.

The other kids by now had stopped staring at us as if we had gills and wings with neon pink eyes and had begun to whisper among themselves. By whisper I mean shout.Avis glanced at me and a just shrugged back. That's when the unexpected happened. This teenage boy just stood up from where he was sitting and walked over to sit by Avis. We both just stared at him while he started to resume eating his food. After a while he glanced at us and spoke with his mouth full. "What?" Before I could say anything close to a smart remark, Avis stepped in and asked him a polite question. "Brighton, why did you do that?" Brighton? First name basis already? He shrugged and swallowed his food, "Because I could." "Someone has a death wish," I sang while not looking up from my plate."Brighton looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes and glanced up. "One of the most well known rules in the High School 101 handbook is when new people are around its wise to stay away for a good amount of time and test them before you make contact, other wise you become minced meat to your fellow people who are not new."

He just stared at me while Avis shook her head. "What my friend was trying to say is that maybe for now it's best to stay with your friends while we get adjusted." He just stared at her blankly before he spoke in slow words as if we were a subspecies of Homo Sapiens. "But - you - are - my - friends."I did what any sane person would do. I face palmed at his stupidity. He looked extremely shocked at me and loudly whispered to Avis. "Why did that strange girl just smack herself?" When she was about to explain what a facepalm was, the lady from last night came through a door and immediately all conversation stopped and everyone looked at her.

Denise cleared her throat for a few seconds then spoke in a voice loud enough for all to hear. Today's lessons will be mathematics and literature, so please hurry up and clear your plates and go to your assigned classroom. Oh and before I forget, please welcome our newest members to the ward, Avis and Jacklyn." She looked in our direction and everyone else followed. "Right then, go to classes and see you all for lunch." With that she was gone.

Everyone started to get up and out there plates in a bin before walking out the door to ascend a flight of stairs. Avis and I followed Brighton's example as he led us up the stairs to the older kids classroom. Even 1400 years in the past I can't escape school, this sucks.The desks- if you could call them that. Were thickly cut wooden table with a matching stool for one person. We hung back from the rest of the group to see where the open seats would be. Lucky us, they were in the back, so everyone stared at us as we made our long journey to our desks. At least we could sit next to each other.

"Alright today class we shall spend the whole day in the test I was telling you about last week. If you have any excuses, keep them to yourself. There will be no exceptions," he said sternly. "I whispered out of the side of my mouth to Avis, "Lucky us."I leaned back and nearly toppled out of my stool. Avis snickered while I regained my seating, just as the teacher came by and gave the both of us two pieces of parchment.

He walked back to his desk and sat down. "You may begin."The sound of quills scratching on parchment filled the room and I looked down at my paper to solve the first question.

What is 2x2?

Oh. My. Goodness.

I quickly skimmed the entire test and saw to my horror and delight that all the questions were that easy. I looked up and Avis met my eyes. We both rolled our eyes and smirked at how easy this was. We went back to our tests and flew through the questions. In less than two minuets we had finished the test at the same time and stood up to give it to the teacher.

Everyone gawked at us as they watched us turn it in. Even the teacher looked shocked. We just quietly went back to our stools and sat there for two hours while people struggled to finish the test.

Just as the last person turned their test in, the teacher announced it was time for lunch, then to go to your next class right after. As I was the last one to leave, I had the unpleasant glance to see the teacher stare intently at two of the tests and mutter to himself. The look on his face was not one I wanted to see again, it creeped me out.

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