The Baffling of Rangers

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*Avis' POV*

My nose tickled and I groaned, squinting at the brightness of dawn. Well it's not that bright, but it felt like it. Suddenly I let out a sneeze and watched as a spider flew off my nose by the jerking motion my head made. Letting out a scream, I stood and rubbed my nose until all remnants of spider germs were free from my face. Jacklyn bolted up, staring at me in horror.

"What's wrong!?!" She asked.

"There was a spider on my face!" I exclaimed. Suddenly tent flaps were being pulled back and voices called out to ask if I was alright or if the murder had let any blood. Wow, thanks for the consideration guys.

"It's just a spider, Avis!" Jacklyn said laughing. I glared at her.

"But it was on my face!"

"Go back to sleep!" Some grumpy old ranger called.

"I can't possibly sleep now. My adrenaline is going which will make me jittery for about an hour." I said. Jacklyn rolled her eyes.

"Well then go fetch water from the stream. Put that adrenaline to work." Jacklyn said. I nodded, agreeing with her. Don't get me wrong, spiders are fine. From about twenty yards away from me. But one on MY FACE!?!? That's where I draw the line, thank you very much. Grabbed the two leather buckets and made my way towards the stream a little ways from camp. Several rangers were mulling about, not being able to return to sleep after my scream. Oops.

After a five minute walk, I reached the stream. I sat down on some rocks and played with the water, wetting my hands. Birds chirped all around me in the trees and there was a slight chill in the breeze. It was beautiful. From my experience, I'd say it was about five in the morning. At home I'd be leaving for school right now.

The soft pad of boots sounded right behind me. I whipped around, coming face to face with Gilan.

"That was impressive." Gilan said. I rose an eyebrow.


"I typically can make it all the way to the person before they discover me." He commented.

"Did you just praise me?" I asked incredulously. He glared at me.

"I wouldn't say praise. More like noted." He said. I smirked.

"Noted for what? Looking for an apprentice, Gil?" I teased. The glare returned.

"If I was, it wouldn't be you. The bond between master and appreciate is firm, and I can't have an apprentice I don't trust." He said. Ouch. Well that was harsh. What have I done to make him not trust me?

"Ah, but you'll put in a good word for me with Lady Pauline." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. He rose an eyebrow, something he clearly inherited from his master.

"Why would I ever place such a burden on Lady Pauline?" He asked.

"She likes me! So does Ulf! I have a chance in both, you know." I said. Gilan's eyebrows knitted together. Something shone in his eyes, sparking up a smile.

"Good with horses are you?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I know a bit, why?" I asked. I had the inkling I knew where this was headed.

"It takes impeccable skill the ride Blaze." He said. I smirked.

"Oh really? And you don't think I'm good enough?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Oh I know you're not good enough." He said. I grinned.

"Led the way, Gil. I have a ranger to prove wrong." I said. Gilan scoffed and led us back to camp, the water momentarily forgotten.

Back at camp, everyone was up by now. Will and Jacklyn eyed me curiously as I entered the clearing with Gilan. Gilan made his way over to Crowley, smirking the whole time. I scurried over to Jacklyn and Will, a huge grin plastered on my face.

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